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Week beginning Monday 11th September 2017

Week Beginning: Monday 11th September 2017

We are delighted to welcome everybody back to school after the summer break and are pleased to report that the children have settled into their new classes and year groups really well. We especially welcome all of our new starters who are looking very smart in their full school uniforms! You could also help us by ensuring that all items of uniform including PE kits have your child's name and class on them, to assist us in returning lost items. Thank you

This week Miss Smith delivered our Maths Mastery Workshop for Yr 1 parents. Thank you to all of those that attended.

Next week there is a meeting for Year 5 and 6 parents to talk through the application process for secondary school on Thursday 14th September at 3.30pm. We will have someone from Admissions attending the meeting to answer any queries.

To give you advanced notice, Parent Evenings are scheduled to take place from 3:30pm-5:00pm on Tuesday 14th November and from 3:30pm - 8:00pm on Thursday 16th November. There will also be a chance to look at your children's work during Open Afternoon on Friday 1st December from 2pm-3pm

Please help us by ensuring your children have the correct uniform in school for PE and Swimming. This year we will not have spare swimming kits so it is essential that your child is prepared. Just a reminder of the swimming times for this year...

Swimming 2017:

Reception will swim on a Wednesday morning (from 27th Sept)
Yr 1 swim on Thursday morning
Yr 2 swim on a Wednesday afternoon
Yr 3 swim on a Monday afternoon
Yr 4 swim on Tuesday morning
Yr 5 swim on Monday morning
Yr 6 swim on a Tuesday afternoon

If you have any younger children that would be interested in the pre-school swimming classes, please leave your phone number at the school office for Miss De Cruz (our swimming instructor) to contact you to discuss.

Class Assemblies for autumn term are on the calendar on our school website, please take a look.

We are looking for volunteers to come into school and support our children's learning. You will need to have a DBS check completed, as they are at a cost to the school we are looking for people who are willing to commit to helping on a regular basis. If you are interested please contact Ms Saunders.

May we remind you that we are always here to discuss any concerns or worries you may have. Please do catch your child's class teacher at the end of the day or phone the school office to make an appointment.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From The Hayes Team
