Week beginning 9th November 2015
Week beginning 9th November
It was a busy week this week with the Executive Chef from Caterlink visiting on Tuesday to work with Year 6 and to deliver an assembly to Years 4, 5 and 6, a Bonfire Night themed lunch on Thursday, a football match and a performance and workshop for pupils in Key Stage 2, promoting British Values. We hope that your children enjoyed the various events.
We are noticing a number of parents parking again on the yellow zigzags or the double yellow lines on the corners. We politely request that you refrain from this as it makes driving and crossing the road hazardous which has an impact on the safety of your children. Thank you for your consideration.
Coming up this week …
On Monday the shoeboxes will be collected by the Shoebox Appeal charity to be distributed to those children who will be getting nothing else for Christmas. We would really encourage you to get involved in this worthwhile cause if you haven’t already. All shoeboxes need to be at school at the start of the day. Thank you so much to those of you who have already sent one in.
On Tuesday there is a tag rugby competition for pupils in Years 5 and 6. Good luck to all those pupils competing. Thank you in advance to those parents who are helping with lifts and Miss Harman who has organised this.
We also have our first parents’ evening on Tuesday from 3.30pm to 5pm. We sent out a letter by email yesterday explaining the abolition of levels; please do let us know if you didn’t receive it as it contains important information for you to read before you attend your appointment with the class teacher.
Our football team play their second match on Thursday afternoon against Oasis Byron. Thanks again to those parents who have offered to help with lifts. Please remember that if your child is in the football squad but not playing in this match, there will be no football training for him. You would have already received a letter with details if your child was selected.
The second parents’ evening is taking place on Thursday from 3.30pm until 8pm. Our popular Shopping Evening that is organised by the PTA will be taking place at the same time in the school hall so please do pop along to get some Christmas Shopping in early!
On Friday Year 4 are going on a trip to Box Hill. We are sure they will have a fantastic day out!
Our Writers of the Week this week are:
Class 1 – Campbell Howe
Class 2 – Lucie Subra
Class 3 – Tom Foyle
Class 4 – to follow next week
Class 5 – Sophie Higgins
Class 6 – James Youngs
Class 7 – Sam Cahill
Class 8 – Olivia Rees
Class 9 – Charlotte Handyside
Class 10 – Louis Falzon & Emily Monaghan
Class 11 – Ryan Nsingi
Class 12 – Ingrid Biereth
Congratulations to all of you! I look forward to reading your work on display.
Have a great weekend.