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Week beginning 9th May 2023

Weekly Bulletin: Week Beginning Tuesday 9th May, 2023
Class 7 Assembly:
what a polished assembly! Class 7 took us on a dynamic journey around the human digestive system and presented their information with enthusiasm, expression and aplomb, Fantastic actors and actresses! Well done all and well done to Mrs Knapman!

Coronation: on Friday, Miss Slade prepared us all with an assembly to celebrate the King’s Coronation to include facts and royal music. The ceremony is now over and what a ceremony it was! Certainly, a day to remember. Did you know that Westminster Abbey has been Britain's coronation church since 1066 and King Charles III will be the 40th reigning monarch to be crowned? As Miss Slade said to the children, ‘I wonder how the King will be able to hold the Sceptres and Orb at the same time?’ Now we know! A new era….
Year 6 SATs: next week, our Year 6s will take their SATs (Statutory Standard Assessment Tests) and have all been working really hard. We know they will be the best they can be. As we have said to them, the tests do not assess what makes them special, amazing and unique. The adults who create the tests and mark them, do not know each of the children the way we do and without doubt, not in the way their families do. They do not know that Year 6 are kind, loyal, patient, wonderful, trustworthy and thoughtful. There is no way to ‘test’ all of the amazing and awesome things that make the children superstars. So….
Don’t get stressed, just do your best. Remember, you’ve been blessed with skills SATs can’t test.

Many thanks to all staff who have taught or supported this cohort from Reception to Year 6, there are many and each one has made a difference on their educational journey and thank you also to our parents and carers for your support along the way!

On Tuesday, Year 6 will be taking the English Grammar Punctuation and Spelling Papers in the morning, on Wednesday, they will take the Reading tests, on Thursday it will be Maths Papers 1 and 2 and finally, on Friday, Maths Paper 3.

Swimming: there will be no swimming next week due to the swimming staff being needed in Year 6. Swimming will resume, week beginning 15th May 2023.

School Uniform: to remind, PE kits (school uniform) should be worn for sport. The only logo on PE kits should be the school one, thank you. A reminder: indoor PE: black shorts, white t shirt (with school logo or plain) and plimsolls. Plain dark jogging bottoms and grey sweatshirt (M&S- logo or no logo) for cold weather and trainers for outdoor PE. Please ensure your child/ren wear the correct uniform for PE and the correct footwear. We do have a supply of plimsolls and school uniform for children to borrow/have if there are any problems purchasing them. Also, a reminder that school shoes should also be worn – black again, no trainers. Thank you!

Have a good rest of Bank Holiday weekend and see you all on Tuesday 9th May.
Take care,
The Hayes Team
