Week beginning 9th January 2023
Week beginning 9th January 2023
We hope you all had a restful break and enjoyed some time together with friends and families over the winter break. We would also like to thank you once more for the very generous gifts and kind words written in cards to our staff. Your kindness was much appreciated. We are delighted to welcome you all back to school for the Spring term and have lots planned over the coming weeks. We will shortly be updating our school calendar on the website so please do ensure this is synced to your phone so important events are not missed.
Staffing: firstly, we would like to update you regarding some new members of staff who are joining The Hayes this term. As you are aware Mrs Patel in the office left before Christmas and we are delighted to welcome Miss Hardcastle who has taken on her role as office administrator. We also welcome Ms Deighan who has joined our Inclusion team as an administrative assistant and will be supporting Mrs Roberts in the co-ordination of meetings, reviews and SEND paperwork. Additionally, we welcome two new members of staff in our Reception department, Ms Ward who joins our support staff team and is currently working in Safari class and Mrs Williams who has taken on the role of the new class teacher for Rainforest. Mrs Williams is a very experienced teacher and brings with her a wealth of knowledge and skills. We are delighted to welcome these individuals to our staffing team and are sure you will join us in making them all feel very welcome in our school community.
There have also been some internal staff changes to make you aware of. Mrs Rich, one of our Higher Level Teaching Assistants will be stepping down from her HLTA role towards the end of January, to take on a new nurture role that focuses on supporting children with their emotional wellbeing and mental health. She will continue to provide ELSA support and may do some ad hoc cover of classes as required but will be working three days a week rather than full time. To cover Mrs Yates HLTA position, we are delighted to congratulate Mrs Kioufi who was successfully appointed in this role. Mrs Kioufi is a qualified HLTA and is well known to the children. She will now be covering more whole classes across the school.
Water Bottles: a reminder to ensure your child has a water bottle in school, it is essential that they remain hydrated.
School Council: this week our School Council met to begin to discuss their plans and aspirations for 2023. Pupil voice is hugely important to us at The Hayes. If your child has any thoughts/ideas about how to further improve our school, please remind them to talk to their class representatives. All opinions are listened to and valued.
Reception Applications 2023: Mrs Scola would like to remind you all that the applications for Reception 2023 are completed and submitted to Croydon Council by closing date of 15th January 2023.
Reception Dental Checks: next week, the children in EYFS have dental checks in school on Wednesday 11th January. Please do return your consent forms to ensure your children can participate in this important check. Thank you.
Football: on Thursday 12th January, there is a football match at home against Ridgeway. Kick-off is at 3:30 and we wish the team the best of luck! Be the best you can be!
Worries and Concerns: please may we remind all parents that if you have a worry or concern about anything that you think may have happened in school, please come directly to the school. Under no circumstances must you approach any of the children in our school directly on the playground or elsewhere. An adult approaching a child can be extremely intimidating and is never acceptable. Please direct any concerns to school staff who will investigate the matter and report back to you. Thank you for your co-operation.
Congratulations! Lastly, we would like to express our enormous congratulations to Miss Hale and her partner who have shared that they are expecting their first baby at the beginning of May. We are very pleased for them and look forward to meeting the new addition in a few months’ time. We are in the process of advertising for maternity cover and will update parents of children in Class 3 as soon as possible about these arrangements.
Swimming will resume tomorrow and this will be for children in odd number classes (and rainforest).
We hope you have enjoyed your first week back and have had a great weekend.
All the best,
The Hayes Team