Week beginning 9.7.18
WB 9.7.18
A great week in the sun was had by all last week.
On Monday some of our pupils took part in a Suzuki violins concert. Our violinists performed brilliantly, well done to all. On Tuesday, Year 1 went to Mordan Halls, the children were a shining example and had a thoroughly enjoyable day, thank you to our parent helpers. On Friday we held our Open Afternoon it was great to see so many parent/carers attend.
This Week:
*Monday 9th July - Music is Magic at in the hall. Children to come to the music room for 5:40pm. Doors open at 5:45pm to start at 6pm. Choirs, Mr Roger’s drumming group, recorders, ocarinas, ukuleles and Mrs Aldren's violin group will be performing and you should have received an email if your child is involved in this. School uniform please: school dress or white school top, school trousers and black shoes.
*Tuesday 10th July - Reception picnic for new pupils starting in September at 1pm (with parents).
*Wednesday 11th July - Year 6 Bugsy Malone musical. Please note that this performance is open to parents/carers, family of our Year 6 children.
Due to England playing in the Semi-Finals, Bugsy will commence at 5:30pm instead of the original time of 6pm. We hope this does not inconvenience anyone and the speech will be very, very short so we can all dash home to watch the start of the match. If any of our pupils are unable to get to school for the earlier 5:30pm start, please do let Miss Slade know (head@hayesprimary.croydon.co.uk) and it is very likely that the 6pm time start will have to resume. It is incredibly important all of our children are in the musical. Unfortunately, the Y6 staff and Senior Leadership team could not find a free evening over the next fortnight, so the date cannot be changed. To conclude – for now the performance will start at 530pm UNLESS Miss Slade hears of any child who cannot make it for this time by the end of tomorrow. Many thanks.
*Thursday 12th July - Year 4 Egyptian Day and Board of Governors meeting (6pm).
*Friday 13th July - Year 2 trip to Sealife Centre.
*Monday 16th July - Class swop 2-3pm (when children find out who their teacher will be for next year)
*Tuesday 17th July - Y6 Leavers assembly: 10am- parents are welcome to attend. 2pm: YeaLeavers BBQ - this is a BBQ for our Y6s only.
*Wednesday 18th July – HT Tea Party.
*Thursday 19th July - Reception to Bay Pond and class parties.
*Friday 20th July - Last day of term, school closes at 1.30pm
Message from the Office
If your child currently attends Wraparound Care Club, you'll shortly be receiving an email asking you to confirm your intention to continue in September. Please reply asap as we would like to offer available places to those joining our school in September. If you haven’t already done so, please ensure you clear any outstanding balances on your child's school dinner money account prior to the summer holidays. Thank you.
At the end of the school day, children (when going home with their parents) are climbing the tree at the bottom of the field. If your child is one of these climbers, can you please ask them not to, thank you. Please keep collecting the Woodcote Green Green Fingered Kids Scheme vouchers and hand in to the office.
If you are a parent with a child starting in September, please ensure you return the necessary forms which were in the welcome packs given out at the New Parents Evening last month.
Thank you to Mrs Harazawa who helped this week with year group swimming. With a busy few weeks ahead and Ms De Cruz off unwell, swimming will return in September. This possibly is not a good time to remind those of you to please pay your swimming donations; however, with £5000 still outstanding, it has meant we could not offer more in terms of Mrs Harazawa’s tuition for class swimming. We simply cannot afford to pay for two teachers at present because we do not have the funding. Contributions do help but of course do not even enable us to break even. We hope Ms De Cruz gets better really soon.
If your child is in Year 4 and has not returned their Soundstart instrument, please can they do so by the end of this week. Thank you.
Photos- the last day for ordering team or class photos is tomorrow (Monday 9th), any late requests will incur a handling charge by the photographer.
Finally, and finishing on an incredibly happy note, massive congratulations to Mr and Mrs Piamya who have had a beautiful baby girl called Maya. We wish them all the best and send much love.
Here's to another fabulous week.
The Hayes Team