Week beginning 8th March
Happy Friday! The last week of home schooling has finally arrived and we are so excited to be in a position to finally welcome back all children on Monday next week. For full details of how this will work please refer to the letter sent to all parents by Miss Slade earlier in the week. We would like to reiterate our enormous gratitude to all of our families that have been supporting learning at home over the last two months. You have carried the baton brilliantly but we are now ready and excited for you to pass it back, so we can begin to run once more!
Please may we remind you all that, whilst on our premises, there is an expectation that those over the age 11 will wear a face covering for the safety of everybody in our community. We will be taking every possible action to ensure we remain Covid free and avoid bubble closures where classes have to return to home learning. Wearing a face covering is proven to minimise the spread of the virus. Therefore, if you are not wearing a face covering, please consider dropping your child at the gate.
This week we celebrated book week with a whole host of fun and exciting activities from extreme reading, cake baking, dress up day and masked readers! Did you manage to guess who they all were? Congratulations to the winners of the cake decorating competition. At The Hayes, we promote a love of reading and can’t wait to hear about all the books that have been enjoyed together at home over the last 2 months. Please ensure the children have their reading books and reading records in school every day.
Finally, there are some upcoming events for you to add to your diary. Parent teacher meetings will take place virtually on 16th and 18th for parents of children in Years: Reception, 1 and 2 and on the 23rd and 25th for children in Years 3-6. These events will take place virtually you will soon receive an email with instructions on how to book your 10-minute appointment. The event will take place between the hours of 3:30 and 6pm.
We will also be fundraising for Comic relief on the 19th March. We have approximately 240 red noses on their way for the children to purchase if they wish to do so. When they arrive, we will let you know and those wishing to purchase a nose (first come first serve) can do so via ParentPay. Each class will also be leading a fundraising activity in their bubble, details will follow asap.
There will also be hearing tests taking place in school for children in Year 1 (with consent) on the 25th and 26th March. More information about this hearing screening to follow shortly.
Wrap Around Care, for those who have used it before, re-starts on Monday.
That just leaves us to say – many thanks for everything you do, have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing each and everyone of you on Monday!
The Hayes Team