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Welcome to The Hayes Primary School

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Week beginning 7.10.19

Coming up this week:

We start the week by warmly welcoming our Grandparents to have breakfast with the children in recognition of Grandparents Day (6th October). Those hoping to attend this event would have indicated their intention via the doodle poll sent out last week. The timings for this event are as follows:

8:00 Reception
8:10 Year1
8:20 Year 2
8:30 Year 3 and 4
8:40 Year 5 and 6

Grandparents attending with 2 or more siblings should choose one of the allocated slots and attend with all of the children together. Please may we remind parents and grandparents that children who finish breakfast early will need to be supervised until the doors open at 8:45 when their teachers will be in their classrooms to supervise them. All children will need to be back in class by 9:00am for registration.

On Wednesday we will be hosting our KS1 SATs workshop for parents of children in Year 2. Please come along to the hall for a 9:00am start. This meeting is designed for parents of children in Year 2 to go through what will happen at the end of the year when children will be sitting their SATs. It will also be an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about these statutory assessments.
*In the afternoon, the children participating in the upcoming Fairfield halls concert with the CSMA choir will attend a second rehearsal at Park Hill Junior School. As last week, we will be travelling to the rehearsal by train and returning via minibus. We aim to be back at school by 4:00pm. Children may wish to bring a water bottle with them…singing can be thirsty work! Please also note that tickets for this event are now on sale at the Fairfield Halls Box Office. They are not for sale through the school.
*We wish good luck to the children from Years 5 and 6 who are representing the school in the upper junior cross country event taking place at Lloyd park. The children will be running a mile, competing with children in other Croydon schools. If your child is participating in this event, you will have received additional information regarding timings and support.

Thursday 10th October marks World Mental Health Day. We will be supporting the charity Young Minds who provide invaluable support to children suffering mental ill health. We work hard to remove the stigma around mental ill health and want our children to know that if they are suffering, they can seek help. Consequently we will be participating in #helloyellow where children are invited to wear an item of yellow to school as part of their uniform. This could be a yellow hat, t-shirt, socks, hairband or bow tie for example for a small donation towards this charity (recommended amount £1).  Additionally, we have members of staff who are trained in understanding Children and Young People’s Mental Health who are available to have a chat about any worries or concerns that you may wish to share. We don’t claim to be experts, but we may well be able to sign post you to the support that you or your child may need.


*On Thursday morning at 9:00am there will be a KS2 meeting in the hall for parents of children in Year 6. This meeting will give parents an indication of what they can expect in terms of the statutory assessments that all year 6 children have to take in May next year and how they can support their children prepare for these assessments. For those who are unable to make it, the presentation will be on our school website and, after reviewing this, questions can be emailed to


On Friday morning Class 11 are leading our Harvest Festival Assembly at 9:15. With this in mind, as of Monday we are welcoming donations for this event of non-perishable foods and toiletries, all of which will be donated to the Purley Food Hub. Parents of children in class 11 are welcome to join us in the hall for this special event. After school, the girls have an away football match against Coulsdon C of E. We wish them the best of luck!


Lastly, on Friday our PTA are hosting their Fireworks event. Doors open at 5:30 and the main fireworks display will begin at 7:00pm. Unfortunately, due to strict Health and Safety requirements, there will be no tickets on sale on the gate. All tickets must have been purchased in advance via the PTA web page. We are sure it will be an AMAZING event! We look forward to seeing you there!


We have been contacted by a number of local residents about the speed at which some of our parents have been driving along Hayes Lane at drop off and pick up. Please can we remind you that this is a 20mph zone and to ensure the safety of all, we would appreciate if you would adhere to this speed. Thank you.

Some advanced notice, there will be a Year 4 Fashion Show for Yr 4 parents to attend as part of the IPC topic on Tuesday5th November at 2.30pm. The Year 4 team would love to see you there.

Have a great rest of Sunday!
