Week Beginning 6th May
Today our children all participated in the sponsored sporting activities with Team GB athlete Luke Lennon Ford. For those who wish to, there is still time to send in any sponsorship money. 40% of the money raised goes to Sports for England and 60% goes to the school to be spent on PE equipment for your children. In total, so far, the children have raised £900 which is amazing so a huge thank you to all of those who collected sponsorship money.
Today marks the end of our Maths Week where the children have been participating in additional, exciting maths activities. As part of this week the school council have been leading a project called `Make your money grow' which is inspired by the virgin https://make-5-grow.co.uk/ project which is a fun, free enterprise programme which engages children in achieving core national curriculum skills through setting up and running a business. All classes have been given £10 to invest in a business opportunity. The aim is to see if they can grow their £10 to make profit which they can spend on resources for their classrooms. You may receive info on your classes business in the next few weeks. Well done to our school council for driving this initiative to ensure we teach our children about financial stability and economic well-being.
Tonight at 6pm we hold our `Hayes's Got Talent' competition. Good luck to all of the performers taking part. We wish them the best of luck and can't wait to see them shine! Thank you to the PTA particularly Mrs Raftery and Mrs Foyle for the many hours they have put in to organise this event. Please be advised that this is a ticketed event and no entry will be permitted to those without a ticket.
Coming up next week...
Monday 6th is a Bank Holiday so school will be closed.
On Wednesday 8th May it is Class One assembly. If your child is in this class we would love for you to join us for a 9:15 start in the hall.
Also on Wednesday, our Year 5 children head out on their residential journey to Wales where we are sure they will be excellent ambassadors for our school. They will return to school on Friday. Whilst they are away we will keep you updated with text messages, and photos that we will tweet. We are very grateful to all of the staff who have agreed to work around the clock for these 3 days to make this possible for your children. We are sure they will have an amazing time and gain memories which will last a lifetime! As many of you may be aware our Year 5 trip is happening later than it normally would this year due to unforeseen circumstances which has resulted in a change of venue which has some additional costs. Rock UK have very generously agreed to part fund this for us. To help make up some of this shortfall the children in Year 5 are running a cake sale during school hours on Tuesday 7th May for all children. Cakes will be sold for 50p each (maximum 1 per person).
At 5pm on Wednesday we are holding a parent meeting for Year 6 parents about the forthcoming Isle of Wight Residential. This should last no more than 30 minutes and will provide you with important information and offer you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have.
Finally, just a reminder that our Year 2 children will be sitting SATs papers throughout the month of May. Please avoid any holidays or days off (unless due to ill health) and ensure the children have had a good night's sleep, a hearty breakfast and arrive in school on time. Thank you.
We thank you for your ongoing support and wish you a lovely (extended!) weekend.