Week beginning 6th June 2022
Week beginning 6th June
We have reached the end of the half term and the children and staff are now on holiday for one week. We all hope you have a safe and relaxing break.
Assembly: this week we were wowed by the children in Safari Class who led their first-class assembly all about minibeasts. We were blown away by their confidence and knowledge. Well done Safari!
Jubilee: throughout this week, children have been learning about the Queen and Jubilee during History Week. Yesterday, we had an amazing day in school celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee. The children and staff all looked fantastic, dressed in red, white and blue and I am sure you would agree that their dance through the eras at the end of the day was truly impressive, as was the Jubilee song, written for this event. Our thanks go to Mrs Baines and Mrs Buchan for helping our children learn this routine over the past week. The children have also had a great time learning to maypole dance with Mrs Yates which you will be able to see in action at the Summer Fair. It was a wonderful opportunity to welcome you all back to the school for this afternoon performance and we hope you enjoyed it, it was lovely to see so many of you.
Commemorative Bookmarks: on Friday, your child was given a souvenir bookmark, a gift from The Hayes, to commemorate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee. A memento that we hope your child will treasure and remember special memories when they read their favourite book. We also bought a bookmark for all staff as well.
Dance Club: Mrs Baines runs a dance club in school and presently has some spaces, if you would like your child to join. Please click this link to access the flier: https://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hayes-primary-school/UploadedDocument/c5c3ebd4-e723-4f1d-bcb9-0f1da5e6a11d/contemporary-motion-dance-thurs2022.pdf which gives more information. Dance class runs from 3.10pm until 4.10pm on Thursdays. Places for children from Year 2 upwards.
Phonics: when we return after the half term break, the children in Year One will be sitting their Phonics Screening check. Parents of children in this year group will have received a letter with further details about this screening.
School Trips: on Friday 10th of June, the children in Reception will be heading out on a trip to Bockett’s Farm. If you have not yet paid for this opportunity, please log on to ParentPay to do so. Thank you.
Father’s Day: the Father’s day gift room will also be opening on Friday. This is a PTA event where children can pay £3 to choose and wrap a gift for Daddy or another special person. Tickets can be purchased for this event on the PTA page. This event will run at lunch times until Thursday 16th June.
School Summer Fete: please stick the 25th June in your diaries as our summer fair is BACK! After 2 years of not being able to run this event, we are so excited to be able to invite you to attend this year. It is always a fantastic day out so bring your friends and family along to join in the fun! Please see attached flier for more details.
Share Your Creativity in the Great Outdoors Photography Competition: it is time again for a new season of photos for our Great Outdoors Seasonal photography competition. The first competition, held in autumn 2021 was based on the miracles of autumn nature, followed by winter and now we have spring! Believe it or not, spring began on the 20th March and ends on the 21st June. We know it feels like summer, but there is still time to take some pictures of spring during the holiday. Please see flier for more details. Good luck!
Have a lovely half term and see you on the 6th June.