Week Beginning 6th July 2015
Firstly thank you and huge congratulations to our dedicated PTA for organising such a wonderful summer fair last Saturday. We are delighted that the weather stayed sunny for us all and it was lovely to see such an amazing range of stalls and activities for the children to join in with. Thank you to our amazing PTA team for organising this and to parents and staff that helped out on the day.
Congratulations to the children from The Hayes who represented Croydon in the London Youth Games, they all did extremely well. The tennis team came third overall, out of all London Boroughs and we are all immensely proud of their amazing achievement. Well done to Sebastian Barrionuevo, Onome Ako, Jake Bennett, Eloise Cooper and Luca Ellul. Ross Sinclair also came third overall in the swimming relay and Omari Giraud-Hutchinson’s team represented football. Well done to you all; it was a tremendous achievement to even be selected for this event. Also thank you to Peter Cooper for coaching the tennis team and helping on the day - it was greatly appreciated. Also thank you to Mrs Lee for accompanying the children and cheering them on.
Please could we remind parents that if you are interested in piano, recorder, guitar, clarinet or flute music lessons you now need to complete a form and send this directly to CSMA in order to secure a place. These are available in the carousel in the school office. This does not apply to those learning drums, violin or Suzuki violin, these forms are also on the carousel.
Week Beginning 6th July 2015
We are delighted to welcome back Mrs Olley and Mrs Farr from their maternity leave.
On Monday 6th July our children are taking part in the Junior marathon at Beaumont; we wish them the best of luck.
On Tuesday 7th July we welcome our new Reception starters and their parents to the Reception picnic at school. This starts at 2pm. We hope that the children enjoy meeting the staff and their new school. Also our Year 6 sports event is happening during the afternoon.
On Wednesday 8th July we are delighted that Tamsin Bird is running a ‘Sound Experience’ musical workshop this morning to all children who applied. This provides children who have been learning a musical instrument with a musical workshop based on the BBC ten pieces and culminates in a performance to the whole school during assembly. We hope all those involved enjoy their orchestral opportunity. Parents of the performers are welcome to join us at 10.30am.
On Thursday 9th July we hope our Year 6 children enjoy their citizenship event at Croydon. Our Year 4/5 Cricket team are also taking part in matches today at Sunbury Cricket club, we wish them all the best of luck.
On Friday 10th July Jamie’s Gymnastic club are performing their end of term display to parents at 8.30am; we welcome everyone and wish them luck.
On Friday our Year 6 children will be hosting their Isle of Wight afternoon for parents. If your child is in year 6, please do join us in the school hall at 2.30pm for an afternoon in which you can find out all about their residential visit away this year.