Week beginning 6th February 2023
Week Beginning 6th February 2023
Congratulations to Class 4 who led an amazing assembly on Continents and Oceans, on Thursday. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about the 7 continents and the song was great which helped us to remember them all! The children were armed with amazing facts, knowledge and some of the language spoken in these areas and the parents/carers even joined in by stating their favourite continent! Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America, in case you didn’t remember! We also learned about the Oceans: Arctic, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, and Southern oceans. Fabulous, Class 4!
A message from Mrs Farr, Reading and Reception Lead:
World Book Day dress up day is Friday 3rd March where we invite children to come dressed as a favourite character from a story (early reminder so you can start to think about costumes!) Further details about our Book Week will be shared soon! £1 donation which will go towards children’s books in school.
Reception are looking to speak to anyone who is in a profession that would be considered ‘People who help us’, eg: doctors, nurses, dentists, vets, veterinary nurses, firefighters, construction workers, food delivery, industry workers, etc. If you feel your career fits into this category or you know someone’s that does, we would love to hear from you. Please contact the office and email for the attention of Mrs Farr.
This week we say ‘Goodbye’ to an amazing Teaching Assistant, Mrs Sanchez, who currently works with our Y5 classes, two days a week. Mrs Sanchez has been associated with The Hayes for more than 15 years, when her eldest child started in Reception. She volunteered for swimming and reading, then worked as a midday supervisor and then Teaching Assistant. She has worked with classes and small groups throughout the school and has achieved so much over this long time. The children will miss her greatly, as will all the family at The Hayes. We know that Mrs Sanchez will excel in her Pastoral Services Officer role in a Secondary School in Wallington.
Children’s Mental Health Week: next week is Children’s Mental Health Week with the theme ‘Let’s Connect!’. 'Let's Connect' is about helping children to understand the importance of developing meaningful connections with others, something that is vital for our wellbeing. Healthy connections to friends, families and others can support our mental health and sense of wellbeing. Without connections, people can feel isolated and lonely which can, for obvious reasons, have a negative impact on our mental health and wellbeing. Throughout the week we will be supporting the children to reflect upon the meaningful connections they have with others – this could be connections to people, places or animals for example. We will also be teaching them how they can support others who may be feeling lonely or isolated by being a kind friend. Shared experiences also help us to connect with one another and on Friday break time, to mark the end of the week, there will be party dances led by staff on the playground for children to join in with. Let’s connect, have fun and be kind to each other! Please can we remind you that our school have 2 trained Mental Health First Aiders who are always willing to meet with you to offer their support. If you are worried about your child’s wellbeing or mental health, please do send an email to deputy@hayesprimary.croydon.sch.uk so we can discuss options for support.
Swimming: a reminder that if your child is not well enough to swim, they must bring in a letter, or they will have to take part in the lesson.
Drumming: Sam, our new percussion tutor came to school on Friday to demo the drumkit to our children in KS1 and KS2. If your child would like to learn the drumkit, please click here to sign up to Croydon Music and Arts! We hope that Sam can join our school as soon as possible!
What is happening this week?
Tuesday 7th is Safer Internet Day and the theme is ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. Throughout the day, the children will be learning about how to be safe online and how they can get support if they feel they need it. Thank you to our computing lead, Miss Moll for co-ordinating the activities for this event, alongside the excellent workshops, last week.
Wednesday 8th is Class 9’s assembly, we all look forward to this! Doors open at 9:10am.
On Thursday, the children in the Junior children who are participating in the CSMA concert, have a rehearsal in our school hall with other schools from the local area. If your child is involved in this, please collect them from the foyer door at 3:30pm.
Netball Coach Trial: on Thursday, we are fortunate to have a student from Riddlesdown 6th Form College to trial as our netball coach. On Monday, from 930am, there will be a sign-up sheet on ParentPay which will close after 18 children have applied. If everything goes according to plan, we will continue to provide coaching, after half term. Open to Years 4, 5 and 6.
Home football match vs St Davids School. 345pm kick off.
On Friday, we break up for half term, marking the half way point of this academic year. At the end of the day, there will be a Valentines bake sale and a second-hand world book day costume sale (depending on donations) in the playground, organised by the PTA. If you are able to bake for this event or wish to donate any shop bought cakes, all donations will be gratefully received by the PTA on Friday morning. If you wish to purchase cakes after school, prices start from just 50p. We thank our PTA for organising this event which will raise much needed funds for our children.
Children return back to school on Monday 20th February.
Please have a safe and happy half term break when it comes.