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Week Beginning 5th June 2017

Week beginning 5th June 2017

Yesterday, the children broke up for half term and we wish you all a very enjoyable week off school. We welcome you back on the 5th June and look forward to the following:


On Monday, our Year 6 children set off for their week long residential journey to the Isle of Wight. This is an amazing school visit which we are sure the children will thoroughly enjoy and hope it will give them an experience that will last them a life time. It is certainly a very important part of our broad and balanced curriculum! They return to school on Friday 9th. We are very grateful for the staff who have agreed to attend this visit as without their willingness to work around the clock supervising the children we would not be able to offer these opportunities to the children. We hope all attending will have a wonderful time. To keep informed about the children and their activities, make sure you are following our Twitter feed for photos and updates!


Also on Monday, the children in Safari will have a vision test (Rainforest class will be the following Monday). If any visual difficulties are identified, parents and carers of children will be notified in writing.


On Tuesday and Wednesdays the children in Year One will have their hearing tested. As above, parents of any children identified as having hearing loss or difficulty will be notified in writing.


On Thursday 8th June, the school will be closed to the children as we will be used as a polling station for the general election. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding that we are acting to ensure the children’s safety.


Some advanced notice that the week beginning 19th June 2017 will be the start of our Healthy Schools Week where we will be really focusing on the importance of a healthy lifestyle including a balanced diet and regular exercise. On the Friday of this week there will be an optional dress up day to celebrate the end of Healthy Schools Week where the children are invited to come to school dressed as something linked to healthy lifestyles e.g. a piece of fruit, vegetable or something sporty. The more imagination used on this day, the better! J


Have a great and rest half term holiday and thank you for your ongoing support.
