Week beginning 5th December
Week beginning 5th December 2016
Before we look at what’s coming up next week we must first congratulate the Year 6 drama club for a wonderful nativity performance at The Minster yesterday morning. If you have not had the chance to check our Twitter feed please do take a moment to have a look where you will see some photographs of our talented children performing to an audience of over 500 people! Well done also to Year 5 who were wonderful ambassadors of our school during this event and thank you to all the parent helpers who assisted in getting the children safely to and from the event.
We would also like to express our enormous thanks and congratulations to our incredible PTA who, through sheer hard work and dedication managed to raise a staggering £7000 at our Christmas Fair last Saturday! We are so lucky to have such a fantastic team! Thank you to all children, parents and extended families who came along to support this event. What a HUGE success! Our next PTA event is Breakfast with Santa taking place on Monday 12th December. If you are willing to volunteer your time and help at this event please may we ask that you let Mrs Doble know.
Coming up next week…
The children have all been working hard practising and learning lines for their Christmas performances and on Monday we have the first of these events which we are very excited to watch! Our Reception classes (Rainforest and Safari) will be performing at 1:45 in the school hall. We look forward to welcoming you to watch your children’s acting/singing debut at The Hayes! Cameras and tissues at the ready to capture some precious moments!
If your child represents their class on the school council please remind them that their next meeting is on Monday 5th at 12:30 in the ICT suite.
Also on Monday, the girl’s netball team have a match against Oakwood…go team Hayes! Be the best you can be!
Year 3 have an explore Learning workshop on Tuesday morning which we are sure they will really enjoy.
On Wednesday and Thursday Key Stage one (Years 1 and 2) have their moment of fame as they perform their Christmas concert to parents at 1:45 in the school hall. We can’t wait to watch their end of year performance and are sure you will enjoy it too. The rehearsals have been sounding great!
We will also be collecting your ‘Bags2school’ donations on Wednesday morning. Please fill the bags sent home with unwanted clothing (not school uniforms, pillows or duvets) and bring them to school before 9:30. This is an opportunity for you to have a clear out of unwanted clothes and make some space before Christmas and at the same time help to raise much needed funds for the school! We thank you in anticipation of your help with this.
On Wednesday evening Mrs Butterworth is hosting a Suzuki concert at The Hayes. Well done in advance to all of the children performing in this event!
On Thursday the boys’ football team have a match against Byron…good luck boys!
Happy Friday. Have a wonderful weekend!