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Welcome to The Hayes Primary School

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Week beginning 4th March 2019

Monday 5th March 2019

Thank you to all those who support Ms Spinks and Class 11 cake sale especially all the children and parents who baked for this occasion. With your generosity you have managed to help raise £146 all of which will be given to Shooting Star Chase, a charity which provides support for children with life limiting conditions and their families.

Coming up next week…
On Monday we wish our boys’ football team good luck as they take part in an away match against Beaumont. They have done brilliantly so far this season, an unbeaten record and top of the league. Fingers crossed for another success! We are proud of you boys!

We welcome a teacher training student from Roehampton University to our school on her final placement. Mrs Platjouw will be working with Miss Smith in class 4 this term.

On Monday and Tuesday, the office have an Audit which looks in detail at financial management and controls, financial planning, HR, Governance and Health and Safety. On Tuesday, the visiting farm is coming into school for our Year One children. We are sure they are in for a great day with first-hand experience of some of the animals.

On Wednesday we welcome parents of Class 7 to join us in the hall for their class assembly. This will begin at 9:15 and we look forward to seeing you there. The children participating in the junior CSMA concert will be attending an area rehearsal at Park Hill School at 130pm and will arrive back at school at approximately 4:30. If your child is involved, please ensure they have a packed lunch with them.

 On Thursday we celebrate World Book Day! Your children are invited to dress up as a character from a book of their choice if they would like to. We will be celebrating in school the joy that books can bring and as always, encouraging children to read for pleasure. Look out for photos to follow after the event on our school website or Twitter. There will be a special lunch menu on this day and the office will shortly be sending out the details of this via a separate email.


Other news/reminders:
*We have Red Noses on sale via ParentPay. Parents can make a payment of £1.25 on ParentPay and a red nose will be delivered to your child’s class in advance of red nose day for them to wear on Friday 15th March. A letter will come out early this week with details of what your child’s class will be doing for their sponsored activity. It is going to be a fun day and week. Your child can wear something red or silly on Red Nose Day (Friday 15th March), or can wear their school uniform.

*Please can we ensure that in addition to tracksuit bottoms the children have been wearing for PE in the colder wintery months, they now also have a pair of white shorts in their PE bags. This is part of our school uniform and is expected to be worn for indoor PE and outdoor PE during the upcoming warmer months. Thank you.

*There has been a request from teachers that children are reminded to bring a refillable water bottle with them to school. Hydration is very important to learning and as the weather becomes warmer in the second half of the school year we want to ensure that they have easy access to this.


Thank you for your on-going support and we hope you had a great weekend.
