Week beginning 4th June 2018
WB 04.06.18
I hope you all had a great holiday and are raring to go for what I know will be another fantastic half term, a finale to the 2017-18 year. I have just emailed you the May HT newsletter, so you will know what we have been up to already, I will therefore jump straight to the future.
This Week:
*4th: children return to school.
*4th-8th: Y6 residential to IOW- have a great time! Y6 pupils to meet at school for 730am for 8am leave (I think I may well be asleep on the coach!)
*5th: Olympian Peter Bakare is visiting our school.
*7th: Michelle Gayle (LA) recycling assembly for our children.
Future Dates:
*11th: Phonics screening week- Y1 (and Y2 retakes).
*13th: Class 5 assembly (915am in the hall).
*15th: Visit from Janet Sullivan (teaching and learning governor).
*18th: Healthy Schools Week.
*18th: Father’s Day Breakfast (8am-910am).
*18th: Parent workshop: ‘How to help your child make safe choices – alcohol and drugs’ Fiona Spargo-Mabbs, 2:10pm in the hall.
*20th Music is Magic Concert (6pm: instrumentalists- if your child is playing in this, their peripatetic teacher will inform them).
*21st: First Aid training for Y6.
*27th: Y4 Soundstart concert – 10am in the hall.
*28th: Rainforest assembly (915am).
*28th: EYFS new parents meeting in the hall (6pm).
*29th: Sports Day
*30th: Summer Fete (12-3pm).
Have a fantastic week!
The Hayes Team.