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Week Beginning 4th April 2022

Week Beginning 4th April 2022.
It is hard to believe we are in the final week of the Spring term but we have a fun week ahead with lots of exciting learning opportunities coming up.

Carroty Wood: yesterday, we were delighted to welcome back our Year 5 children from Carroty Wood. They had an amazing time on high ropes, in the swamp, swimming, kayaking, singing songs around the campfire, and taking part in archery and were wonderful ambassadors for the school. We are very proud of them. We now have photos of the residential on our website if you would like to take a look and on Thursday, Tweets were Tweeted if you follow us on Twitter! It goes without saying that we are more than thankful to our five staffing team who were superstars – Mrs Sinclair, Mrs Derodra, Miss Hale, Mrs Bolton and Mrs Kioufi, without whom the trip could have not happened. Thank you!

Home Learning: if your child if isolating, due to Covid, please be aware that home learning will automatically be uploaded to Google Classroom for them. This can be completed at home and submitted electronically. This will help to ensure that the children do not fall behind during their time away from school. If you or your child is unwell with COVID or otherwise, please remember to report their absence to the school office at your earliest convenience.

Science Week: we are excited to let you know that this week is our whole school Science Week. The children will have the opportunity to take part in a range of practical experiments throughout the week and we are thrilled that we have been able to book the science company ‘EurekaSeekers’, back by popular demand! EurekaSeekers provide awe-inspiring school workshops which inspire young people to develop a passion for learning, experimenting and scientific investigation. Every class will have the opportunity to take part in a Science workshop where they will take part in 2 hands on experiments. So that we can make sure every child in the school is able to take part in a science workshop during Science Week, we kindly ask for a donation of £2.50 per child so that this amazing opportunity is possible.
Egg rolling: during the forthcoming week we will also be holding our annual egg rolling competition- a fun way to mark the end of the term for the children. We are excited to re-instate this tradition after 2 years of not being able to hold this event due to COVID. To take part, your child/children will need to bring with them a HARD-BOILED egg to school on the day stated below. One class at a time, the children will take turns to release their egg down a piece of drain pipe that is propped up at angle against a PE vault. There will be first, second and third place prizes awarded to the children whose eggs travel the furthest in each class. These prizes are provided courtesy of the PTA, thank you to them. It is also fun to see and hear all about the tricks that children use to create what they hope will be a winning egg e.g. coating them in 5 layers of mum’s favourite nail varnish! 😊 If your child would like to participate in this event please ensure they bring their egg on the following days:

Monday: Year 4
Tuesday: Year 1
Wednesday: Year 5
Thursday: Reception, Year 2 and Year 3
Friday: Year 6

​We encourage all children to dispose of their egg in an outside bin after the event to avoid the classrooms and book bags becoming smelly.

Goodbye: on Friday we say goodbye to Mrs Hamed. Mrs Hamed was appointed as part of our COVID catch up programme on a fixed term contract which has now sadly come to an end. During her time with us, Mrs Hamed has worked with many children in small groups helping them to plug gaps in their knowledge. She has also covered whole classes during periods of staff absence. We are extremely grateful to her for all that she has done for us at The Hayes and wish her the best of luck in her future teaching career. Good Luck Mrs Hamed.

Goodbye again to Mrs Gourlay who had a lovely send off on Friday, during our virtual assembly. During the assembly, some children in Class 3 said: she always has a smile on her face and helps me in English, maths, EVERYTHING; she reads us really cool stories; Mrs Gourlay gives us exciting things to do and I like the way she teaches us. All the very best at your new school in Luton. Keep in touch! Next week, Class 3 will be covered with a combination of Higher-Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) and by Mrs Knapman. After the Easter Holidays we welcome Miss Fidge to our team in Class 3. The children have had the chance to meet Miss Fidge this week as she has been in school to do a handover with Mrs Gourlay. Welcome.

School Holiday: we break up on Friday the 8th April at normal time for our spring break. For those of you who do celebrate it, we wish you a Happy Easter. For those of you waiting to find out if your child has been allocated a place in Reception for September 2022, please remember to check your emails on Tuesday 19th when school offers go live- we look forward to meeting the new members of our school family next term. Whatever your plans, have a restful break. Enjoy special time together and stay safe. We look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Monday 25th April.
In honour of St George’s Day, any children attending uniformed organisations such as Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Scouts, Cubs or Beavers are invited to wear their club uniforms to school on this day. Please stick this in your diaries so you don’t forget!

Thank you as always for your ongoing support. 
The Hayes Team


