Week beginning 3rd May
The children in Year 1 had great fun on Tuesday this week, dressing up and participating in a history workshop on The Great Fire of London. They enjoyed hearing stories from the past and enacting scenes from days gone by. There are photos on our Gallery on our school website (About Us/Gallery 2019/21) if you would like to take a look.
In school we have signed up to take part in in a national stamp design competition to honour the heroes of the coronavirus pandemic. The children will be designing a stamp to recognise the heroes who have continued to work tirelessly to keep the country moving throughout the pandemic and have a chance of winning prizes for themselves and for the school. The winning stamp will be approved by Her Majesty the Queen prior to being printed and issued. Attached to this bulletin is a letter (via email), from the Royal Mail which provides further details of the competition.
We have been asked by a number of parents about when extracurricular activities will recommence at The Hayes. While government guidelines have indicated that this may be possible from the end of June onwards, many of the clubs that we run at school involve mixing the children from different bubbles. In efforts to avoid multiple bubble closures if a positive case is identified, we have made the decision to hold off on these clubs until September 2022, when we will review the situation in light of guidance at that time. We can confirm however, that Jamie’s Gymnastics will not be returning to The Hayes. In their place, we look forward to welcoming Flexi Flics who will be running our in-school gymnastics club. More details to follow ASAP.
We are currently offering instrumental tuition on a number of instruments and currently have space for children to learn clarinet, trombone, trumpet, cello, violin, guitar and drums. If you are interested please email admin@thehayesprimary.croydon.sch.uk who will send home further information and registration forms for your completion.
You may have noticed that one of the walls at the front of the school has been taken down as it was showing signs of wear and tear. Please do not to allow your children to walk along these walls at the beginning and end of the school day for their own safety and for the sake of preserving the walls. Thank you.
Please can we also remind you that if your child has a snack at break time, this can only be a piece of fruit, thank you.
Monday 3rd of May is a Bank Holiday and as such school will be closed. We hope you enjoy the longer weekend. We will also be closed to children on Thursday 6th May as this INSET day was planned to coincide with the fact that the Hayes is being used as a Polling Station.
Advance notice: children break up for half term on Friday 28th May at normal time. They return to school for the second half of the summer term on 7th June and finish for the summer holidays on Friday 23rd July at 1:30. We have uploaded school term and holiday dates for the next academic year (2021-22) onto our website, this can be seen here or on the News and Dates page/Term Dates.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and please have a safe and relaxing, long weekend.
The Hayes Team