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Week beginning 3rd July

Week beginning 3rd July
What a busy week we had last week!
Welcome to our new Reception families and children: we had a wonderful evening on Tuesday welcoming the parents of our new reception cohort into school. Roll on 12th July when we get to spend some time with the new children at our reception picnic!
Music is Magic: on Wednesday evening, we were blown away by our children’s musical talents at our Music is Magic concert.  Thank you to those who joined us for making it such a wonderful event and huge congratulations to all of the children who performed, you are superstars and so very talented! There will be photos of the event on our website, in due course. ‘I was so excited to be in the concert and I enjoyed it because it felt amazing to perform in from of all the parents! I felt very proud’ (RG, Y4)

Year 3, Butser Farm: our Year 3 children had a fantastic time at Butser Roman Farm on Thursday and the children in Class 8 wowed us with their fantastic assembly all about plastic pollution. The children taught us all about plastic going into the ocean. If creatures eat it, they can get so sick, we need to recycle and stop throwing rubbish into the sea. Come on! We can do it!
Sports Day: on Friday, we had a fantastic time at our two sports days. Congratulations to all participants but especially the green team, Johnson who won both the Junior and Infant events! The trophy will be decorated with the green ribbons for the year ahead. Well done to all children for showing great sportsmanship and encouraging one another in each event. School Fete: we had all the fun at the fair! Thank you to our incredible PTA who organised an amazing event for us all on Saturday. From live performances, bouncy castles, sponging the teachers (or Mr McEvoy and Miss Slade!), cake competitions, henna and delicious food, much fun was had by all. We look forward to confirming how much was raised as soon as possible. Thank you also to those of you who donated bottles, toys, cakes and of course, your time to make this event possible.

Here is what is coming up next week…
On Tuesday, there is a culture and diversity meeting taking place at 9am. If you wish to join, please come into school via the main office.
On Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th, there is possible strike action being taken from teachers in the National Education Union (NEU). Please arrange some back up child care as there is a possibility that some classes may be closed. As soon as we know which teachers intend to strike, we will of course let parents know and we hope to do this tomorrow. 
On Thursday, we will be holding our class swaps when children will get to visit their new classes and find out their teachers for next year. We will follow these visits up with an email to let you know the staffing arrangements for the year ahead.

During the summer holiday, there is a transition week event for children transferring from Primary to Secondary. Please see the attached flyer for further information if you are interested in this. Finally, if you are planning to buy new uniform for your children for next year, you may wish to take advantage of the M&S discount (20%) which runs from the 4th July on their website (see second attachment for further details).
Here’s to a great week!
The Hayes Team
