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Week beginning 31st January

Week Beginning 31st January 2022


Next week we welcome 3 Discovery into school who will be leading e-safety workshops with all children to ensure they understand ways to stay safe online. They will also be holding a parents’ workshop between 3:30-4:30 on Tuesday 1st Feb. This will be delivered remotely and can be accessed via the following link:

Governors Morning

On Wednesday next week we will be holding a virtual Governor’s morning. Our Board of Governors provide us with support and challenge in helping us to be the best that we can be. We would like to thank those who have put their name forward for parent governor, the opportunity to stand for this role has now closed. I am delighted to let you know that we have received five expressions of interest and I will be sharing information on the candidates with you shortly. We will then hold a secret ballot and announce who has been elected.

Household Support Fund has launched to support Croydon families

After receiving funding from government, the council has launched a fund to support residents who are struggling to buy food, heat their home or purchase essentials such as fridge/freezer, oven/microwave, a bed or bedding. The fund is open until 31 March 2022. Croydon residents can refer themselves or a school can refer on a parent/carers’ behalf, with permission.  Residents will be asked to demonstrate that they do not have funds to cover the items being requested and will need to evidence any income and provide a bank statement. Full details and application form can be found at the link below.  Applications for food/fuel will be processed within 48 hours and household items, within 4 weeks.

Mobile Phones

Please may we remind parents and carers that no children are permitted to bring mobile phones into school with the exception of Year 6 children who walk alone from school. Those bringing them into school must sign them into the school office at the beginning of the day and collect them at home time. If your child is in a year group other than Year 6 and you have a compelling reason why your child needs to have a mobile phone in school, you must apply for permission from Miss Slade. This will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Thank you.

Art Competition

The Royal Academy of Arts is hosting an Art competition that provides an exciting opportunity for children aged 4-19 to exhibit their work online. Submissions are open from the 10th January to the 30th March. If you have a budding artist who may be interested in this opportunity further information can be found here:

Call for entries’ poster:

Guideline for submission:
Permission Form:
How to photograph your work:


12 Days of Xmas Raffle Prizes

Thank you to the PTA for organising the 12 days of Christmas Raffle. We are now busy organising prizes for the winners. Sylvia in Safari won a mufti day for her class and this will take place on the last day of term, Friday 11th February 2022. Additionally, Caleb in Rainforest won glitter tattoos for his class. These will be offered to the children in Rainforest on the same day (during the afternoon). If you would prefer your child not to have a glitter tattoo applied, please inform the office.

Lateral Flow: if your child is not well before school (Covid symptoms), please do a LFT. Although numbers of children and staff with CV has reduced this week, we do not want to have another spike with poorly children coming into school that have not been tested. Many thanks.  

Above and Beyond the Call of Duty Award: this week the award goes Miss Headley, nominated by an adult and child: ‘for inspiring me with your multi-sensory teaching’ and ‘for being a lovely teacher, using amazing voices in the Great Kapok Tree’. Well done!

Croydon Schools Sports Partnership: on Thursday, CSSP are coming in to do Playground Leadership training with Year 5.

We thank you for your ongoing support and wish you all a relaxing and safe weekend.
The Hayes Team
