Week beginning 2nd October 2023
Week beginning 2nd October 2023
We start our bulletin with a success story this week and wish to congratulate our boys’ football team who played, and won, their first league game against St David’s yesterday after school. Their first match was won 3-0 and the second 5-2. Not only did the boys play skilfully, they demonstrated great teamwork, sportsmanship and respect towards their opponents, shaking hands and giving them three cheers. We are really proud.
With a strong commitment to equality of opportunity, we are excited to also let you know that this year, for the first time, we have managed to put together a girls’ football team who trained after school today with Mr McEvoy as their coach. Our girls demonstrated some fantastic skills, worked well as a team and demonstrated their strong desire to fulfil our Hayes Vision to ‘Be the Best they can be!’ Their first league match is in November and we are excited to support them on their footballing journey!
Today in school we celebrated National Teaching Assistant Day. We reflected in assembly about the importance of showing gratitude and saying thank you to people who help us. The children offered their messages of appreciation to our team of support staff thanking them for ‘helping me to learn and progress’, ‘playing with me in the playground’, ‘cheering me up when I am feeling sad’ among many other things.
Next week marks the start of Black History Month. The theme this year is ‘Before-Windrush’ and throughout the month, the children will have the chance to take part in a range of learning opportunities to broaden their cultural understanding. We begin on Monday and Tuesday with all children participating in African drumming workshops that have been fully funded by our amazing PTA. Thank you!
Also, on Monday, the children in class 11 will be leading our Harvest assembly at 9:10am in the school hall. Parents of children in this class are invited to attend. We would like to thank parents for your generous donations of non- perishable food items and toiletries. We will still accept these on Monday if you have not yet had a chance to donate and wish to. All foods collected will be given to the Purley Food Hub to support local families. We are grateful to the hub for their efforts to ensure that no child or family, in our local area, goes hungry. If you are experiencing hardship and need support, please do talk to us, we may be able to help.
On Tuesday, we are excited to let you know that our children in Year 5 will be participating in training with a Mental Health and Wellbeing organisation called One Goal. This training will help the children to learn how to become Mental Health Champions. It is designed to help children better understand and manage their own mental health needs and encourage them to reflect on how they can support and promote the wellbeing of others. Once trained, we will be looking to re-instate our lunch time 'Calm Club' to provide peer support to children who may be feeling dysregulated or in need of emotional support at lunch time. More details to follow soon.
On Thursday, we are holding an open morning for parents of children due to start school in September 2024. This begins at 9:30am in the school hall. If you wish to attend, please ensure you have booked a place on our school website. The link can be found here: Reception Open Mornings | The Hayes Primary School
Next Thursday is also our school CENSUS day. On this day, the number of children who eat a school dinner has a direct impact on the funding that we receive for the rest of the year. With this in mind, we appeal to you to encourage as many children as possible to have a school dinner. To make it more tempting for the children, we will be swapping the Thursday and Friday menu for next week as our data shows us that the Friday menu is our most popular choice.
On Friday, the school photographer is in school and will be taking individual and sibling photographs. Please ensure, as always, that children are in the correct full school uniform. If your child has PE on this day, please send them in uniform and pack their PE kits and trainers in their bags. They will be permitted to change after they have had their photographs taken.
In the evening, the PTA are holding their first school disco of the year. Tickets are available for purchase on the PTA page along with information about timing of these events. If your children are going straight from school to the disco (Years 1 and 2), you may wish to pack them a small snack (nut free) to eat after school to ensure they have enough energy to dance the night away! Children in Reception will have a smaller in-class disco before the end of the school day.
Have a wonderful weekend. See you in October!