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Week Beginning 2nd June 2014

Please find attached your weekly bulletin for the first week back after half term….


Week Beginning Monday 2nd June


Welcome back to school, I can’t believe this is our last half term!  June sees the start of our Healthy Schools month in which we shall be encouraging the children to think about how they keep themselves fit and healthy.  Throughout the month they will be participating in special assemblies and activities linked to healthy eating, cooking and physical activity. All children will be looking at the website ‘Food a fact of life’ with their class teachers.  Our catering provider Eden, will also be holding Nutri-skill workshops for all year groups across the school.  We are proud that all of our children will be raising money for The British Heart Foundation, through participating in the ‘jump rope for heart’ event, which is designed to help children skip their way to health!  The Dogs Trust will also be holding workshops linked to keeping animals healthy and helping our children to develop their respect for animals as well as themselves.  We will also be having visits from the police to encourage the children to think about how they can keep themselves safe on the roads. A huge thank you to Mrs Meadows and Mr Blundell, for all of their hard work in organising these fantastic opportunities for our children.


We wish Mrs Evison the very best of luck as she begins her maternity leave and as she eagerly awaits the arrival of her new baby.  We welcome back Miss Zoe Stratman as she will be teaching Class 4 for the rest of the year.  She has been teaching at The Hayes covering different classes throughout this school year and we are delighted she will be joining the team, as she already knows The Hayes well.


On Tuesday morning twelve of our Year 5 children have been invited to participate in a design and build project at Trinity School.  You will hear on Monday 2nd June if your child has been selected to take part in this fantastic opportunity.  They will be taken to the venue and returned back to school by minibus.  If your child is attending they will be required to bring a packed lunch to school on that day.


On Thursday our Year 5 children are at a sports festival all day at Coulsdon Oasis Academy.  Also a small group of our Year 5 and 6 children are taking part in the gymnastics final at Fairchildes Primary School.


On Saturday 7th June we look forward to our School Ball at Woldingham golf club.  The evening will start with a complimentary drink, and also includes dinner, a fun casino and dancing.  We thank the PTA for organising such a wonderful event and hope that all who attend have a superb evening.
