Week beginning 29th March
Thank you to all those who sponsored the children’s fund-raising efforts for Red Nose Day. We are delighted to report that we raised a grand total of £1200 for this amazing charity. Thank you everybody!
Thank you also to all the parents and carers who attended our virtual parents’ evenings over the course of the last 2 weeks. We had over 90% attendance at this event and welcomed the opportunity to discuss lockdown learning and beyond.
Our new nature area
The focus of family walks around the local area or getting out into the woods has been so important for many in recent times. The simple method of being calm and quiet amongst the trees, observing nature around us can help both adults and children boost health and wellbeing. Time outside can also offer huge learning opportunities across all curriculum areas as well as develop children’s confidence, independence and problem-solving skills. We take our learning outside in all year groups, and it would be fantastic if we had a zone on our playground where we could practice the forest school techniques traditions to benefit from opportunities to enhance our curriculum and well-being.
We have started to construct an area at the top of the playground and we would love to incorporate more natural resources. If you have anything that you think would be fantastic for our outdoor learning space then we would be incredibly grateful. Anything from logs to sit on to canes or sticks for building dens, wooden offcuts to pallets or used large electric cable reels. Also, pebbles, large garden stones/rocks, any spare pots for planting, bulbs and/or small shrubs to enhance the area. There are a few pictures below to give some ideas.
Please contact Mrs Farr at jfarr1.306@lgflmail.org or leave a message at the office for her attention if you think you have anything that could enhance this new exciting area where we can not only watch nature bloom and flourish, but the children too. Thank you.
On Wednesday evening, we are hosting a parent workshop all about how to keep your children safe on line. This is being run by Vodaphone and Digital Awareness UK- it takes place at 6pm and is FREE. Please register to participate using the following link and you will be sent an email to join: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-hayes-primary-school-keeping-children-safe-online-during-covid-19-registration-138446550359 It will be packed full of useful information to help protect your children on line.
World Autism Awareness Week
29 March - 4 April 2021
World Autism Awareness Week is back from 29 March to 4 April 2021. We will be raising awareness in school to help children understand how autism effects one in 100 children in the UK. We will be accessing powerpoints, videos and activities to promote understanding of how this effects children and adults. Please click on this link to go to the National Autistic Society website.
Wall outside the school: please can we remind you that children should not climb or walk along the walls outside our school. One of the walls has bollards around it, while we wait for it to be removed. Thank you.
Just to remind you, school will be open as usual on 30th April as the INSET originally scheduled for this day has been moved to 6th May to tie in with the school closure for polling.
In the summer term, we will break for half term on Friday 28th May at normal time, with children returning to school on the 7th June. The last day of term will be Friday 23rd July where the children break up at 1:30.
Next week is a short week and we break for the Easter holidays at normal time on Wednesday 31st March. Following the Easter break, we look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 19th April from 8:45 am for the start of the summer term.
Have a lovely weekend!
The Hayes Team