Week beginning 29th January 2024
Week beginning 29th January 2024
Congratulations to all of the children who participated in the Croydon swimming gala last week. They represented our school fantastically well and demonstrated our vision of being the best they can be! Our thanks go to Miss Browne and Mrs Aamir for helping the children to prepare for this gala. Thank you also to you, the parents and carers for your fantastic support on the day and in getting the children to and from the event.
A huge well done also goes to the girls’ netball team who won their match against Smitham 17-5…an amazing achievement!
On Monday, the children in the Infant choir will be attending their first area rehearsal for the Croydon Schools Music Association concert. This will take place at Beaumont and parents of children participating can collect from there at 3pm. Thank you to those parents who have agreed to help with this visit.
On Thursday 1st of February, Miss Hale will be spending time in school with Mrs Blewitt to get to know her class and have a hand over of information before her return to work following a maternity leave the on the 7th February.
On this day the school nursing team will also be visiting to conduct the Reception Height and Weight check. The team will also be seeing some of the Year 6 children.
We are very excited to welcome back Three Discovery next week who will be leading internet safety workshops with all of the children across the school. Unfortunately, only 2 parents expressed, on our interest poll, that they would be interested in a parent workshop on the same topic, so we have been unable to secure their expertise for such an event.
There is a netball match (away) against Chipsted Valley next Friday. We wish the team the best of luck.
Just to finish with a couple of reminders…
We are a water only school. Please do not send children into school with cartons of sugary juices. Water is available to all children at lunch time and throughout the day. Please remind your children to bring a water bottle for this purpose.
The PTA will be holding the next school disco on Friday 9th February. All year groups are invited and tickets will go on-sale at 10am on Saturday 27th January. Sales will close at 10pm on Monday 5th February. Tickets are £5 and can be brought here https://www.pta-events.co.uk/thehayes/. Full details are on the website.
Odd number classes will be swimming this week.