Week Beginning 29th January 2018
WB 29.1.18
Last week’s Science Week, with the theme ‘Exploration and Discovery’ was excellent. Our pupils had an amazing time participating in many practical experiments whilst developing new skills and knowledge. It has been great to see the children completely enthralled in the week and also bringing in their experiments from home to share. The Science workshops were exciting and again, our children learned many new skills. Year 5 parents/carers also enjoyed their workshop! A massive thank you to Mrs Piyama for all her hard work in organising this week. To see photos of the week, please ‘follow’ us on Twitter: @TheHayesPrimary and take a look at our website on the Gallery page.
On Tuesday, there was a meeting for Year 5 parents/carers regarding Carotty Wood. If you were unable to attend, the powerpoint is available on our school website (http://www.thehayesprimaryschool.co.uk/parent-workshops/ : Parent Information page and click on Parent Workshops. Information and medical forms will be sent out this week, please return them asap. If you have any questions please speak to the Year 5 class teachers.
It has been an awesome week for swimming! Congratulations to all of the children who took part in the Swimming Gala at Purley Pool on Thursday. It was an exciting competition and we wait with baited breath to find out who made it through to the finals. More information as soon as we have it. We are all incredibly proud of all who took part.
Class 3’s assembly on Thursday was fantastic and I am sure all of the parents/carers who came to watch were very proud of the children who delivered their assembly with confidence.
On Saturday afternoon, our pupils took part in The Hayes Swimathon at Croydon High School. Our dedicated swimmers (and parents/carers) gave up their Saturday to raise much needed funds for a swimming pool cover. Without this, the water in our pool would be very cold, not pleasant for our swimmers. Our children demonstrated their passion and skill and didn’t stop swimming for over an hour. A total of 2072 lengths (32.4 miles) was swum between 30 children. This is an amazing triumph and we thank our passionate and dedicated children, our supportive staff, parents and staff who also supported the event, particularly Ms De Cruz for organising the event.
The overwhelming news is YOU have raised 112% of the target: £2245. This is £245 over the £2000 which is the cost of the pool cover. Many, many thank yous, we are totally overwhelmed by your generosity. Any money over the cost of the pool cover will go towards the pool’s soundfield system which has recently broken and is irreparable (a sound system for the pool that improves the learning environment and will ensure Ms De Cruz does not strain her voice). There is still time to donate if you haven’t yet and still wish to: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/hayesprimaryschoolswimmingchallenge?ref=pageredirect THANK YOU!
We are very pleased to announce that Ms Smith gave birth to a beautiful baby boy last week. Mum and baby are both doing well and we look forward to seeing Ruben and Ms Smith as soon as they are both able to come and visit us.
Upcoming events:
*Monday 29th January: school nurse measuring height and weight of children in Reception and Class 6.
*Wednesday 31st January: netball tournament.
*Thursday 1st February (2:30pm in the hall): BRECK Safeguarding Workshop- we would like to invite you to a parent talk from Lorin LaFave from The Breck Foundation who will be discussing children and young people’s relationship with online gaming and the social networks attached to them. The presentation will cover:
- Warning signs and behaviour to look out for.
- How to approach to difficult conservations around digital media.
- Where to find helpful resources.
- What to do if you are worried.
- How to report concerns.
- Where to find support.
Lorin will highlight the importance of communication with our children about the dangers they face online every day. Especially for those who may not be tech savvy, we cannot watch our children every second of every day, therefore, we need to ensure as they grow and become more independent that they are aware of the dangers online and are equipped with the skills themselves to protect their own self online. Following Lorin’s talk there will be a Q&A session so parents can get expert advice and guidance. The presentation is likely to last no more than 45 minutes.
Children in years 1 – 6 will also receive age appropriate talks during the day on staying safer online using Breck’s story. With the younger children, they focus on modern day ‘Stranger Danger’ and how even though people may seem friendly online, that doesn’t make them their real friend. They deliver their engaging presentations to enable all to think about their online behaviour so that they can make the safer choices for themselves.
*To help fund the day, a cake sale run by Years 5 & 6 will take place after school on Tuesday 6th February.
*Friday 2nd February: PTA’s Infant fun afternoon and Disco. Information will be sent out for this early this week.
We hope you all have had a relaxing weekend
The Hayes Team