Week Beginning 29th April 2019
Week Beginning 29th April 2019
Welcome back to school and we hope your children have enjoyed the first four days of the summer term! We have a busy term ahead of us and lots of fun learning and enrichment activities planned.
We would like to say a huge well done to all of the children who auditioned for the upcoming school talent show. In total, 130 children put themselves forward for the show. As we are sure you appreciate, it is not possible to put this many children through to the final event. Today the successful acts were announced in assembly and there were many excited children. The successful acts have been given a letter to take home with further information for parents. Congratulations once more to all of the children who auditioned, including those who were not successful on this occasion, for demonstrating incredible confidence and self-belief.
Due to a Year 4 assembly taking place on Tuesday next week we have made a slight adjustment to the swimming timetable to ensure that no child misses out on their lesson. For next week only, Year 4 will swim on Monday and Year 5 will swim on Tuesday. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Here’s what’s coming up next week…
On Tuesday we invite parents and carers of children in class 8 to our assembly which the children will be leading. This begins at 9:15 in the school hall. We look forward to seeing you there.
On Wednesday the children in class 2 are leading the assembly and we invite their parents and carers into school to join us at 9:15 in the hall.
During May, the children in Year 2 will be taking their SATs tests. This will take place in small groups and will occur during the month of May.
On Thursday 2nd May school is closed for an INSET day. This means it is not open to children on this day.
The team GB 400m runner Luke Lennon-Ford will be in school on Fri May 3rd, for a day of activity with the children. If your child would like to raise sponsorship money please can send this in to the office.
Friday is also our open afternoon and we invite all parents and carers to come into school from 2:15 for an opportunity for your children to show you their learning. Once you have viewed your children’s work you are welcome to take them home. We have accidently booked in two open afternoons this term so please note that the open afternoon scheduled for the 5th July has now been cancelled. In July you will receive a written end of year report from your child’s class teacher and have the opportunity to make an appointment to discuss this if necessary afterwards.
On Friday evening, it is with great excitement that we hold our ‘Hayes’s Got Talent!’ competition. This begins at 6pm and promises to be an exciting evening where we get to see a snippet of the talent the children in our school hold. Tickets will be available free of charge for this performance via the PTA page but will initially be offered to the families of children participating in the event. There is a maximum of 200 tickets available to ensure safety and avoid overcrowding in the hall. Once families of children participating have had the opportunity to purchase their tickets sales will be opened up to all other parents and children.
We will shortly be advertising for staff for our afterschool club. Details will be available on the Vacancies section of our school website if you know of any interested candidates with experience of working with children and leading teams please make them aware of this opportunity.
Finally, please find attached term dates and INSET days for next academic year (2019-2020). We are sending this out to you now to give you as much notice as possible.
Have a great weekend.