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Week beginning 28th September 2015

Week beginning 28th September 2015

Thank you to all parents who came along to the Curriculum Meetings this year. I do hope that you found them useful; thank you to those of you who have already offered your feedback. We value this feedback so please do complete any forms that you may have taken with you or collect one from the office. Thank you.


I have just spoken to Mrs Einecker and she has said that she is still lending out a lot of swimming kits and caps to pupils, despite our reminder last week. She has washed between 25 and 30 kits this week! Please will you ensure that children bring what they need for their swimming day as this is causing her a lot of extra work. I’d like to remind you that this year, children will only be allowed to borrow kits three times and then will need to miss swimming if kits are not in school. May I also remind you that it is school policy that children wear swimming caps when in the pool; these can be bought from the school office if required.


Coming up this week …


We are following Week 2 menu next week. Thank you for preparing your children in advance for their menu choice; it is making things a lot more straightforward in school.


Year 4 will be doing a Woodland Walk on Tuesday morning as part of their Science work on Habitats. This will take place during the school day and children will be back for dinners as usual.


On Wednesday we are sad to say goodbye to Mrs Ritchie who is retiring after 20 years of working at The Hayes. Her association with the school goes back further than this as her children were pupils here before this time. We are grateful for her commitment to the school; she has always gone over and above what is expected, often working late into the afternoon voluntarily. We are sure that you would like to join us in wishing her well for her retirement!


On Thursday we have our first class assembly for the year: Class 12. This will start at 9.15am in the school hall and we look forward to welcoming parents of this class.


There is a Parent and Child Golf Festival coming up as part of the Croydon School Sports’ Partnership on Tuesday 20th October for pupils in Years 4 to 6. It will take place from 4pm until 5.45pm at Farleigh Golf Club. We are able to have 8 places but all pupils need to be accompanied by a parent. If this is something you and your child would like to be entered for, please email as soon as possible, but by Wednesday at the latest. Places will be booked on a first come first served basis. The CSSP only have a certain number of places overall so late applications will be placed on a waiting list.


On the 18th October there is also the 3km fun run for children between 9 and 14 at Lloyd Park as part of the Lexus 10K event. All are welcome to participate. Please see more details at:


Our Writers of the Week this week are:

Class 1 – Elana Dal Din

Class 2 – George Jackson

Class 3 – George Kakoudakis

Class 4 – Josiah Hearn

Class 5 – Malik Bayou

Class 6 – Ewan Marr

Class 7 – Isabella Paloba

Class 8 – Harry Foyle

Class 9 – Ava Van Aalst

Class 10 – Daisy Rumble

Class 11 – Hannah Sheppard

Class 12 – Markus Nilsson


Congratulations to all of you! I look forward to reading all your work on display!


Have a lovely weekend.
