Week beginning 28th November 2022
Bulletin Week Beginning 28th November
Road Safety Week: we have had a great Road Safety Week. Our newly appointed JTAs met together to plan and record a virtual assembly launching the week, reminding all about the importance of being safe on the roads. They examined the various vehicles that use our roads and the level of responsibility they all need to take to keep us all safe. They visited classes conducting a survey to establish how the children from The Hayes travel to school to review sustainable travel. At this point, we all need to be reminded where we park at drop off and pick up – double yellow lines mean that no parking is allowed, and would you like cars to park across your driveway? The JTAs also launched a Brighten Your Bag competition where children were encouraged to bring their school bag decorated so it can be seen in darker evenings. Prizes were given out for the best bags in each class. We discussed road safety and the week ended with a Be Bright be Seen Day where the children (and staff) were invited to come dressed in their brightest clothes – they all looked amazing! Well done to Mrs Draper who organised the week!
Mixed Football Team: a huge congratulations to our Mixed Football Team who have had a run of successes this week, winning their cup game on Tuesday against Greenvale: 3-2 on penalties. Lillybell and Darcy scored 2 goals and 1 goal, respectively in the game. During penalties, Harry W, Seasmus and Lilybell scored 3 goals – to win 3-2 against Greenvale. Well played Greenvale and The Hayes, we are proud of you! Then on Thursday, they played against Byron Oasis and won 7-0! A very wet game but a very great game! WELL DONE!
‘When we found out that we were in the school football team, we felt amazing, excited and happy. When we won our first match, we all celebrated with each other and congratulated each other. We have won every game so far, because we play as a team and love it!’ By Lemar, Lilybell and Harry K.
Class 12: a huge well done to Class 12 who performed a fantastic rendition of Crime and Punishment throughout the ages, in their class assembly on Wednesday. We all learned a lot about macabre punishments from the Middle Ages to the Tudors, and beyond. If you stole something as simple as a piece of bread in the Middle Ages, you might have been dipped in the local lake or worse! Fortunately, the Rule of Law today is much better than in the past!
Governors Morning: on Wednesday, our Governors visited, taking part in training, meeting their classes, embarking on a tour around the school and watching Class 12’s assembly. It was the first time our Tour Guide Pupil Advocates toured visitors on their own and they did a smashing job!
‘On Wednesday, we took our Governors around the school on a tour. It made us feel proud to do so. One of the things we enjoyed showing them were our displays: Black History, World War 1 artwork in frames and the RESPECT mural. They asked many questions about the school and how it felt to do our role. We told them that we love showing people around the school and were honoured to be Pupil Advocates. They were really impressed with how the Reception children had started their swimming lessons and how good they were! We enjoyed the morning very much’. By Ava, Erin, Oscar and Louie, Y6 Pupil Advocate Tour Guides.
‘Our thanks to everyone we saw: staff, children and of course the Pupil Advocates who toured us round. It was good to get such a direct sense of the pervasive enthusiasm and supportiveness of the school. Thank you!’
Alan Cogbill, Chair of Governors.
‘Children were very friendly, proud of their school and happy! We were encouraged to see the genuine enthusiasm and energy that the subject leads had for their areas. Well done to Miss Slade and her team’. Liz Davison, Governor.
Open Afternoon: we had a fantastic open afternoon yesterday where many of you came to spend time with your child in class, sharing with them their learning in their books. Thank you for coming and it was fantastic to see you all back in our school after such a long time! Additionally, well done for speedily evacuating our school, either onto the playground or outside our school during the fire drill (which was certainly not expected despite many children thinking that Miss Slade had burned her toast!) One thing is for sure, as expected, all children and staff evacuated calmly whilst the school was deemed safe to be able to come back inside again and usual practice ensued!
Christmas Fete: our Christmas fair is today, Saturday 26th November from 12pm-3pm. Please come along and help raise money for our school. This year we have a fantastic raffle with over 20 prizes including hair and beauty vouchers, meals out, a family photo shoot plus much more. Tickets are £1 each. We also have some star prizes including 2 hospitality tickets to a Spurs home game, a bottle of Bollinger champagne, Godstone farm entry for 4. Tickets for this are £5 each. We look forward to seeing you all there! A huge thank you to all who help today, the event could not happen without you, with particular mention to our amazing PTA.
Croydon Schools Music Association (CSMA) Minster Concert, Croydon (Years 5 and 6), Thursday 1st December: this week, a letter went out to Year 5 and 6 parents regarding the orchestral concert we are going to at Minster, Croydon. The programme features a range of exciting and inspiring orchestral music, carols to sing and there will also be an opportunity to hear the fantastic ‘Minster Organ’ and some exciting brass music to get us in a celebratory mood! Additionally, there will be a performance by some children from the Year 6 Drama Group who will be taking part in the tableaux scene, it will be as always, an amazing event and very atmospheric. Year 5 and 6 will travel to the Minster by public transport and we need your support to enable the trip to take place – please sign up on Parent Pay to help! Thank you. We will not get back to school until around 12:50pm, so on this day, all children will need a packed lunch that they will eat in school, after the concert. We can provide packed lunch for those in receipt of FSM – please let the office know if you would like to order this. Thank you!
Reception: a message from Mrs Farr – we have the opportunity to visit our local church on Thursday 8th December from 9-11am. We will require many helpers to support our walk to and from school to make this visit happen. Please sign up on Parent Pay from Monday, if you can support us in the walk. Thank you.
May Bank Holiday and Year 6 Sats: an additional bank holiday in honour of the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Monday 8 May 2023. As this date had previously been announced as the first day of the 2023 Key Stage 2 (KS2) SATs, a change to the test schedule is necessary. Ministers have considered the situation and have decided that KS2 tests will take place in the same week with tests following the usual order but each taking place one day later than originally planned. As such, the new schedule will be:
*Tuesday 9 May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) papers 1 (questions) and 2 (spelling)
*Wednesday 10 May: English reading paper
*Thursday 11 May: mathematics papers 1 (arithmetic) and 2 (reasoning)
*Friday 12 May: mathematics paper 3 (reasoning).
That is all!
Have a great weekend and hopefully see you all later on today.
The Hayes Team