Week beginning 28th June 2021
Week beginning 28th June 2021
Unfortunately, due to today’s rain, we were not able to lead our planned KS2 sports day. We are looking at the diary for the remaining couple of weeks and will confirm ASAP a new date for the Infant and Junior sports days which both now need to be rescheduled.
You may or may not be aware that each year M&S (our uniform supplier) run a 20% discount on all uniform purchases towards the end of the summer term. We have just been notified that there has been a last-minute change to the M&S 20% promotion in that it has been delayed by a week and will now run across the bespoke website, in stores and on M&S.com from 6th July until 3rd August, and not from 29th June as had previously been communicated. This is due to the fact that there has been a slight delay in some of the core trousers and skirts arriving in stores from India due to their recent lockdown. Regarding school uniform to remind you, particularly of PE kit which will be an expectation from September 2021, please visit the school website or click here.
Next week swimming lessons will take place for the even number classes. Please remember your kits on the appropriate days.
Well done to the children in Year 4 who took part in a Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) this week. This is a series of 25 times table questions for which the children are given 6 seconds per question to answer. As it is an optional assessment, there is no obligation for schools to share the outcome of this screening with parents but if you would like to know your children’s score these will be available from Monday. Please email the class teacher who will share your child’s result.
Thank you to the parents who have emailed recently to give feedback on our school dinners. We acknowledge receipt of your emails and are in the process of working with Chartwells to make some changes to the current menu with effect from September. We will keep you informed on this matter.
Lastly, you will be receiving your child’s annual report on Friday 9th July. If you have any questions about the report or wish to discuss any of it in further detail, please feel free to request a follow up telephone meeting with your child’s class teacher. We have also been asked by some parents about the last day of term. We break up for the summer holidays on Friday 23rd of July at 1:30 and there will be no after school club on this day.
We thank you for your ongoing support.