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Week beginning 27th November 2023

Week beginning 27th November 2023


Well done to all those who decorated their bags for the ‘Be safe, Be seen!’ campaign today. The Junior Travel Ambassadors will be announcing the winners and distributing prizes soon.


Our ‘Bikability’ training is taking place next week for children in Years 5 and 6 who signed up for this event. Please ensure that any bikes coming into school on Monday are road worthy to ensure the children’s safety during this training. Signs have been put up at the front of the school to show the children where they can leave their bikes when they come in on Monday.


The children in Class 5 are leading their class assembly on Wednesday next week. If you have a child in this class and wish to join us, please come to the school hall for a 9:15 start. We hope to see you there!


There is a netball match against Smitham (away) on Thursday 30th. We wish the girls the best of luck and congratulate them on their 5-3 win last week. Great news!

On Friday we are holding our Open Afternoon event. Please do come along from 1:45 to visit your child’s classroom and have the chance to see their learning and talk to them about this.  Where possible please try to leave younger siblings and buggies at home as the classrooms get very busy during open afternoons. Once you have finished looking at your children’s books, you are permitted to take your child/children home. Please let the class teacher know on the day, if you are taking your child early.


On Saturday, between 12-3, our much-awaited Christmas Fair will be taking place. It will open with children from our infant and junior choirs singing outside year 1. If your child is in the choir, please can they be here by 11:45 to get ready. Thank you to all those parents who have volunteered your time to help run stalls and to prepare for this event. Without you, this event would not be possible. We still need more volunteers so if you can help, please do let us know. Raffle tickets are due back in school by 28th November if you wish to be in the prize draw. Our PTA work so incredibly hard to raise funds for our school and thanks to their hard work over the past year we hope to soon be able to replace the stage area in the playground with an outdoor classroom. This will provide much needed shade for the children in warmer months and enable us to teach out door lessons to whole classes. We are so grateful to all our parents for your support in raising funds for this project.


Lastly, please can we remind parents and carers of children in Year 5 and 6 to give consent for ParentPay for the CSMA Fairfield Halls trip if you have not already done so. This trip is taking place on the 4th of December. We are looking for parent helpers with this event. If you are able to assist, please drop an email to and we will get back to you.  Thank you.

Also on ParentPay are our residential trips to Carroty Wood and the Isle of Wight. Payment is not yet due but we wanted to let you know they were available in case you wanted to pay by monthly instalments. 


Have a great weekend.
