Week Beginning 26.2.18
WB 26.2.18
Welcome back to an exciting new half term, this week Class 2 put on their class assembly. It was fantastic and I am sure that all of the parents/carers who attended were very proud of their child’s performance. Year 5 went on their trip to Riddlesdown common in support of their IPC topic, it was cold but the children (and adults) came back smiling!
Upcoming events
Monday is the start of Book Week- our author will be visiting us and delivering workshops for all of our classes. There will be many more activities during the week, including dressing up as your favourite book character for World Book Day on Thursday. We cannot wait to see what our children will be coming into school as (and our staff!)
Infant choir are at their CSMA rehearsal on Monday afternoon, thank you to all of those parents who are helping. On Tuesday our mixed football team are playing against Coulsdon, GOOD LUCK!! On Thursday it is Class 4s turn to put on their class assembly this will be at 9.15am and parents are invited to attend. Please also remember that it is Dress Up Day for World Book Day (also an important meeting that our HT has to go to, the question is ‘will she still dress up?!’) On Friday the Junior CSMA choir will be rehearsing at Park Hill, again thank you to all of those parents helping (due back around 440pm). On Saturday some of our pupils will be running in the South London Harriers Cross Country event at Farthing Downs, GOOD LUCK!!
Future events
*Monday 5th March - Infant CSMA concert at Trinity School at 7.00pm (2 tickets per family, as Mrs Yates letter states).
*Monday 12th March - Mother’s Day Breakfast from 8.00am. We will send a letter out this week regarding this. Classes will be staggered from 8-920am. To guarantee breakfast, you must sign up at the office or send an email to the office. We do not want to run out of food! admin@hayesprimary.croydon.sch.uk
*Monday 12th March - Dance Festival at Trinity School at 7.30pm.
*Tuesday 13th March – Parents Evening 3.30pm – 5.00pm
*Thursday 8th March – CSMA Rehearsal at Park Hill – 130-330pm (back in school approx. 440pm)
*Wednesday 14th March – Class 9 Assembly 9.15am
*Thursday 15th March – Parents Evening 3.30pm – 8.00pm
*Friday 16th March – Book Fair
*Monday 19th March – Junior CSMA concert at Trinity School 7.00pm.
We hope you are all having a relaxing weekend.
The Hayes Team.