Week Beginning 25th March 2019
Week Beginning 25th March 2019
On Monday, David from the CSSP (Croydon Schools Sports Partnership) will be teaching gymnastics to our Year 4 children and on Tuesday, team games to our Year 2 children.
Our gymnastics club are performing to parents at 8:30 in the school hall to demonstrate the skills they have been working on this term. If your child is in this club and you wish to come along and watch a 15 minute demo, please come in to the school office.
Our Mothers’ Day gift room opens on Wednesday 27th until Friday 29th. If your child would like to pick up a visit for their mother or any other important lady in their lives, a voucher can be purchased via the PTA events page.
We wish good luck to our Year 5 and 6 children who are participating in a Handball competition. Thank you to Miss Smith for supporting this event and wish the children the best of luck!
The PTA are holding their Sip and Shop Fashion show at 7:30 on Wednesday 27th. Tickets can be purchased from the PTA events page. We look forward to seeing you there and thank the PTA for organising this event.
Wednesday will also be class 11 parents’ evening from 4:30-7:30.
On Thursday Year 3 will be visiting Hobbledown Farm. The children will need a packed lunch for this trip. Please do aim to have your child in school for 8:45 so they can set off promptly after registration.
On Friday 29th March 2019 Year 5 children will be enjoying their exit point activity for our IPC unit ‘What a Wonderful World.’ As part of this we would like the children to experience food from a range of different countries. We would be grateful for donations of food to widen the children’s experience but no items that contain nuts please. Thank you in advance!
On Friday, we are hosting our SEND coffee afternoon from 1:30 to 3:00pm. The theme for this meeting is SALT (Speech and Language Support) and Mental Health. Please do come along and join us if this is a concern to you or your child.
On Monday 1st April we will be hosting our Mothers’ Day breakfast in school from 8:00am. On this day the children are invited to bring their Mum (or another important female figure) to school to join us for breakfast. You will soon be receiving communication from the school office regarding this event and we ask that you make sure you sign up to ensure we have an accurate idea of numbers in order to provide adequate catering. We will send further information in next week’s bulletin with regards to timing for each year group for this event.
Thank you to those who have sent in your collected Red Nose Day sponsorship money. We are still collecting this so please do send in any outstanding sponsorship money that you may still have at home. We are excited to tot this up and let you know the total amount raised!
Please may we remind you that earrings are not permitted to be worn on days that children have their swimming lessons. If an earring comes out in the water it could end up in the bottom of somebody’s foot. If your child’s ears have been recently pierced and the stud can not be removed, you MUST cover their earrings with plasters for their swimming lessons please. This is to ensure the safety of both staff and children.
We have been informed that there has been a spate of burglaries in Kenley and its surrounding areas. In fact there have been more than 20 burglaries in the last 11 weeks. Crimes such as burglaries can be extremely upsetting for those involved and particularly for children who can be left feeling anxious and unsafe in their own homes. Please can we ask that we all remain vigilant in our local areas and take note of any suspicious behaviour which can be reported to the police on 101. Thank you in your efforts to keep our communities safe.
Have a great weekend.