Week Beginning 25th February
Week Beginning 25th February
Today marks the start of the half term break. We thank you for your support this term and wish you a happy and restful half term break. The children return back to school on Monday 25th February.
Here’s what’s coming up after the break…
Miss Smith, our maths co-ordinator, will be hosting our Maths Calculation workshops this week at 5pm (venue to be confirmed). Parents of children in Key Stage One are invited to attend on Tuesday 26th and parents of children in Key Stage Two on Thursday 28th. This meeting aims to explain to parents the types of methods we use in school to help children solve their mathematical calculations. We would love to see you there.
On Wednesday we are holding our termly Governors’ Day where we welcome members of the Board of Governors to spend the day in school. They will have the opportunity to see the children in action and work together to work strategically on whole school development issues.
Also on Wednesday, Miss Smith will be escorting a group of 10 children to the Racket Pack badminton Festival. We wish them the best of luck at this event!
On Thursday, David from the CSSP will be back in to work on developing gross motor skills with Reception children.
The Junior Choir taking part in the Croydon Schools Music Association (CSMA) concert begin their area rehearsals on Thursday at Park Hill. They will need to bring a packed lunch and will travel to and from this venue with school staff as stated in the original consent letter.
On Friday 1st March we will be visited by the Zehra Hicks, author-illustrator of the award-winning The Boy Who Hated Toothbrushes and its companion title The Girl Who Loved Wellies. Zehra will talk to the children about being an author and illustrator and hopefully inspire our childrern to write their own stories too! If you would like to purchase one of Zehra’s books and bring it to school on this day, she has kindly agreed to sign them for you.
After school on Friday, Class 11 will be holding a cake sale to support Ms Spinks who is running a half marathon for the Charity Shooting Star Chase. Class 11 will be baking cakes for this event but any donations from others would be gratefully received. Thank you in advance for your support.
Lastly, we are sure you will want to join us in passing on our huge congratulations to Miss Carrier and her partner who have announced that they are expecting their first child, a baby boy in June. We are delighted for her and are working on plans for her maternity cover which we will confirm with you as soon as possible.
Some reminders/ requests:
Lateness: We recognise that parents and carers may occasionally fail to collect children on time owing to unforeseen circumstances. However, this is becoming an ongoing issue for some of our families. Therefore, parents and carers who are repeatedly late collecting their children after 3.15pm will be charged a late fee in accordance with the Debt Policy which can be viewed on our website. The school reserves the right to make a charge if a child is collected late on a second or subsequent occasion in any one term. Children should be collected from the school office and will be asked to sign their child out. The late fee will be as follows (which is the same as wraparound care): £5 fine for every 5 minutes late, i.e.: 5 minutes = £5, 10 minutes = £10, 15 minutes = £15, etc. This will be enforced immediately after the half term break.
As usual we are supporting the charity Marie Curie and have daffodil pins available to purchase in the school office. We recommend a £1 donation per pin.
Please can we remind parents to ensure children have their swimming kits on the correct days. We are experiencing higher than expected numbers of children forgetting to bring in their swimming kits. Year 3 and 5 swim on a Monday, Year 4 and 6 on a Tuesday, Reception and Year 2 on a Wednesday and Year 1 on a Thursday. Thank you.
A polite reminder that dogs are not permitted in the school playground. Some children are frightened and to ensure their well being and safety we ask that they are not brought into the school grounds.
For parents of children in the Infant department (Yr R, Yr 1 or Yr 2) If you wish your child to continue to receive milk in school, once they reach age 5 you must apply to ‘Cool Milk’ via their website and make your payment there.
If there is any remaining sponsorship for the 2019 Hayes Swimathon, please can this be brought into the school office at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
After School Club and Breakfast Club are having great fun with their arts and crafts and are seeking donations of the following items please: toilet roll middles, kitchen roll middles, newspaper, plastic bottles, socks (for sock puppets), cardboard egg boxes and pop up bottle lids (for balloon hover crafts!) Thank you in anticipation for sharing your recyclable materials with us.
And finally…The PTA will be holding a new event, the evening of Wednesday 27th March. It’s a treat for all the mums, grandmas, carers and other important females out there to celebrate Mother’s Day! Come along to Their Sip & Shop Ladies Fashion show. Sit back and relax with a glass of bubbles & some nibbles whilst you watch the show and then shop until you drop enjoying up to 50% off high street brands including M&S, River Island, H&M, DP and lots more.More information & tickets will be available after the half term holiday, but for now make sure you save the date! The PTA newsletter is also attached to this bulletin. We thank them for all their hard work and for raising over £10, 000 already this year. They are working hard to raise funds for an air conditioning unit for the school hall.