Week Beginning 24th June
A huge well done to the children in class 3 who led our whole school assembly on Wednesday. They did a wonderful job in teaching us all about the importance of recycling.
We would also like to say a massive well done to all of the children who took part in the mini marathon event at Beaumont yesterday. We are proud to report that we won the trophy once again! Not only did our children win the competition with their brilliant running and determination, they behaved beautifully and cheered on all the other competitors demonstrating great sportsmanship and kindness. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came along to support the event. Your encouragement was amazing.
If you have not had a chance to visit our school website recently, please have a look as our Gallery has now been updated with photos of recent events.
Coming up this week...
Our School photographer will be joining us in school on Monday to take photographs of classes and groups. Please ensure that all children are wearing full school uniform and looking smart.
After school we wish our boys' athletics team good luck as they compete in the Croydon Athletics Championships' qualifying heats at Croydon Arena.
On Tuesday, the girls' athletics team take their turn at Croydon Arena and we wish them the best of luck too.
On Wednesday the children in Year 4 will be performing in a Sound Start concert to parents and to children in Year 3. They have been working hard all year to learn their instruments and will now be showing us what they have achieved. This event takes place in the school hall and begins at 10:00am. We would love to see you there.
We wish good luck to our Year 6 tennis players who are representing the Croydon borough at the London Youth Games tournament in Redbridge on Thursday. We wish them the best of luck.
The finals of the Croydon Athletics Championships take place between 4-6 on Wednesday afternoon for any children who qualify in their heats earlier in the week. This event is also at Croydon Arena.
On Thursday evening we are holding our Music is Magic concert for our instrumentalists. If your child is performing at this event you should have been notified by their peripatetic teacher. This concert begins at 6:00pm Children performing should arrive at school, in their full school uniform at 5:40pm. Please come to the music room. Children are to wear their school uniform, including black shoes. Sweatshirts should not be worn because despite the air con, we do not want the children to get too hot!
Friday is Sports day (weather permitting)! The junior events will take place in the morning and the infant events in the afternoon. Please come along to support this event and cheer your children on. Morning events will begin at 9:30 and afternoon at 1:30 We thank David Smith from the CSSP and his team of volunteers who attend this event enabling this to run smoothly.
On Saturday it is our Summer Fair which has been brilliantly organised by our PTA. Please do come along to support their hard work and have an afternoon of fun from 12-3pm. Please do find attached some coms relating to this event from the PTA. We thank the PTA for the hours of hard work that they put into organising this event. We would also like all the families who have been/ will be donating items for this event.
Year 5 Parents
It has come to our attention that some parents of children in Year 5 have begun to think about secondary transfer for their children. Please can we inform you that the local authority admissions booklet is not yet available on the local authority website but as soon as we are informed that this is available we will let you know. In addition, we have also booked a member of local authority staff from the admissions department to lead a parent workshop in September to answer any questions you have about the process, date TBA. As a school we will not be advertising open mornings as we usually have approximately 15 different schools that our children transfer to at the end of Year 6 all of whom have different events and dates that these take place. Choosing a secondary school is not something that we should advise on as it is down to parental preference and we all have different tastes and views. Please do click on this link to check when the admissions booklet is published, you will find all of the information you need. Additionally, you can go to any secondary school's website to see if there are details on there: https://www.croydon.gov.uk/education/schools-new/school-admissions/starting-secondary-school
In order to generate much needed funds to maintain the running of our school pool you may be aware that we now hire our pool out at the weekends and during school holidays to an organisation called Great Waves who provide swimming lessons for children. As we are working in collaboration with one another they have kindly agreed to provide 4 children in our school a week's worth of swimming in the school holidays free of charge. These children will be selected at random. If you are interested, in this opportunity you must be available for the whole week, (Monday - Friday) week commencing 29th July between 8.30am - 10.30am for a half an hour lesson each day. If you are available and interested in being part of the prize draw please pop into the office to put your child's name into a box by Friday 28th June. On this date, 4 names will be selected at random and we will be in contact with you if your child's name has been pulled out.
Have a great week.