Week beginning 24th January 2022
A huge congratulations to Class 10 who performed a remarkable assembly on Wednesday which was recorded and put on Google Classroom for parents to watch and in school. Particular well dones to those children who jumped in on the day to take over the lines of a few children who were poorly, at home. Well done.
Restrictions Easing: I am sure you will be aware that from 20th January, the Prime Minister has announced that face coverings are no longer recommended in classrooms, teaching spaces or communal areas. This government decision comes in response to national infection data showing the prevalence of COVID-19 to be on a downward trajectory. However, we must make you aware that at The Hayes, our numbers have been increasing. We know this figure will go down next week when many pupils return from isolation, however for now and as a precaution, we must continue with our present risk assessment:
*year group bubbles (except for Y6 which are presently in class bubbles and this will remain for now);
*wearing face coverings in communal areas and at drop off and pick up;
*limiting visitors to school;
*ventilation and all the other systems of control that we currently have in place (see risk assessment).
These measures are temporary whilst our numbers remain higher than we would like. We continue to be in contact with our Director of Public Health (as are many schools at present) and I will update you on any changes to the current risk assessment as soon as possible.
PTA Disco: due to the above restrictions, The PTA disco that was provisionally booked for Thursday 10th February 2022 is no longer able to take place due to year group bubbles. We have removed this from our school calendar but we just wanted to mention this in case you had added this event to your individual diaries.
Road Safety: unfortunately, we have received a complaint from a member of the public about a family from The Hayes who are walking in the road (rather than on the pavement) on the way to school (Roke Road). We work hard to teach our children about road safety and ask parents, where possible, to ensure that children are walking on the pavement where they are safe from the risks of oncoming traffic and not causing obstructions to passing cars. We appreciate your support in reinforcing this message. Thank you.
ABCD Award: this week goes to Miss Hale who has been working super hard to prepare and plan lessons for Class 7 and 8 whilst Mrs Shaikh is absent. She has also been preparing home learning packs for pupils isolating and continuing to organise sporting fixtures! She is a superstar and still continuing to smile!
E-Safety: lastly, some advance notice that on 3rd February, between 3:30-4:30, 3Discovery will be leading a workshop for parents about e-safety and keeping the children safe on line. We will provide further details nearer the time but wanted to give you the date as early as possible to pop in your diaries.
We thank you for your ongoing support. Have a lovely weekend.