Week Beginning 23rd May 2022
Week beginning 23rd May 2022
Well done to the children in Class 8 who wowed us yesterday with their amazing assembly about one of our school values, self-belief. They did a great job of showing off their skills and talents – Britain’s Got Talent eat your heart out! This has been uploaded to Class 8 Google classroom so parents and carers can enjoy.
Jubilee: coming up next week, we are celebrating History Week with a number of special events taking place to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Details of these events were provided in last week’s bulletin but we would like to remind you that on Friday the 27th the children are invited to wear something royal themed or red, white and blue (please no football shirts). You are invited to join us at 2:40pm on Friday, to watch a whole school dance – Jubilee Mash Up. We are really looking forward to it and cannot wait to see you all there. We will also be having a Jubilee lunch which is a picnic on the field on Friday, where we all eat together. On this day, the kitchen will not be providing hot food.
CSSP Festival: on Tuesday, the children in Year 6 are participating in an athletics festival in collaboration with the CSSP (Croydon Schools Sports Partnership). This will take place in school. Please can we remind all parents to ensure the children are wearing the correct school PE kits which consists of white shorts and a white T-shirt. If it is cold they may wear plain dark coloured tracksuit bottoms and a grey sweatshirt with The Hayes logo. We are noticing an increase in children wearing logo brands and items of different colours. Please adhere to the home school agreement and send your children in the correct uniform. Thank you.
Water Bottles and Sun Cream: also, as the weather gets warmer please ensure that your children have a named water bottle in school. Remaining hydrated is key to being able to focus. If it is a particularly sunny day, you may wish to apply sunscreen to your children. Our staff will not apply lotion to any children.
INSET: we are still in the position of finalising the INSET days for next year but can confirm that the 1st and 2nd of September WILL be INSET days. This may help those of you hoping to book a summer break.
Assembly: Safari class will be recording their class assembly on Thursday. This will be shared with parents via the children’s Google classroom.
Expectations: also, it was reported to us by a concerned parent that a group of Year 6 children walking home alone, ran out of school at speed and ended up in the road. Had there have been a car passing, there would have been a very serious accident. If your child walks home alone, please remind them about road safety, expectations and the importance of travelling safely.
Parking: it has been reported that some parents are parking on the zig zag lines outside our school. This is illegal and dangerous – as is parking with your wheels on the Zebra crossing. Please think about the safety of our children and stop. Thank you.
On Friday, we break up for half term (normal time).
We wish you all a happy and restful break and look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday 6th June.