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Week beginning 23rd January 2023

Week beginning 23rd January 2023
A huge well done to Class 3, for their amazing assembly on Thursday. They taught us all about space and the planets and did you know that Mae Jemison, an engineer, physician, and former NASA astronaut, made history when she became the first African-American woman to travel to space, in 1992? Of particular mention was the Planets song that teaches the planets in our solar system. Class 3 were able to, in 4 seconds, say the planets really quickly (in 4 seconds!) from the first to the last: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune! Well done Class 3 and it was great to see so many of our parents and other family members who came to support!

PTA: 1000s of thanks to our amazing PTA for their immense hard work, particularly over the December season. 12 days of Christmas, Breakfast with Santa, Christmas Fayre, Elfridges, refreshments at the Year 6 Drama (with Junior Choir) production, to name but a few – raising over £7500! Thank you!

This week….

Class 10 Assembly:
we look forward to Miss Moll’s class assembly on Wednesday 25th, from 9:10am, in the school hall. Parents and carers are welcome to join us for this.

Croydon Schools Music Association: on Wednesday, the CSMA Choir (Year 4-6) will be walking to St Nicholas School (Reedham Drive, Purley, CR8 4DS) for a rehearsal with other Croydon schools which will be from 130-330pm. Additionally, Monday rehearsals will continue after school, and Year 3 children are welcome to join us for these, if they wish (the songs will also be performed during our summer concert). A letter will go out on Monday with further information about the concert and rehearsals. If you can walk with the choir to the rehearsal on Wednesday (we do need parent support for this to take place), please either let the office know or tick the box on ParentPay – which will be ready by end of the day on Monday. Thank you.
Football: our team will be playing away on Wednesday, versus Oakwood, kick off approximately 4pm. Good luck!

School Council:
our very committed SC will be meeting on Thursday at 12:30pm, we look forward to hearing their ideas!
Football: our team will be playing a home match, against Oasis Byron, from 3:30pm. Good luck!

Have a great rest of the weekend!
