Week beginning 22nd November
Week beginning 22nd November 2021
Well done to our netball team who played their first football match against Kenley this week. Although we did not win, the girls showed great sportsmanship and made us all very proud.
On Monday, we are hosting our Governors Day when we welcome members of the Governing Board into school to see the children in action. Our Governing Board are instrumental in driving the strategic direction of the school and it is great to be in a position to welcome them back into the school following many virtual meetings as a result of COVID. You can find out more about our Board of Governors by visiting the governor section of our website here.
On Monday, we will also be leading an assembly on Disabilities History Month where we celebrate the lives and achievements of those with disabilities now and in the past. We will also be raising awareness of hidden impairments such as dyslexia, asthma, ADHD and autism. We will challenge disablism with a view to raise awareness and achieve greater equality.
On Wednesday, the children in Class 12 will be leading assembly in the hall. If you have a child in this class you are invited to join us in the hall for a 9:15 start. To keep everybody as safe as possible, please can we politely request that face coverings are worn and no more than two supporting adults per child may attend.
On Thursday after school, our football team have a match against Kenley. We wish them the best of luck! Be the Best You can Be!
Please may we remind you that dogs are not permitted on the playground at drop off or pick up and also, a reminder to not congregate on the walk ways/paths into school – Covid cases are increasing and we want to keep everyone safe as they walk past. Many thanks.
The judges of the Miracle of Nature competition have met and were incredibly impressed with the creativity of our children. The decision was difficult and the winners have been chosen and will be announced next week and reported in the next bulletin. A massive well done to the many photographers that took part to capture nature at its finest – and you most certainly did that! You are all so talented. A huge thank you to Mrs Staines who was the administrator for this competition and it was also her idea – a great one! All photographers will receive a certificate and the winners will have their photos displayed in pride of place in a large frame in the lower corridor, and on our website. Well done to all! Our next competition will capture spring, watch this space!
That just leaves us to say have a fantastic and safe weekend!
The Hayes Team