Week beginning 22nd March
What a fantastic day we have had today celebrating Red Nose Day for Comic Relief. The children looked wonderful dressed in something red/something silly and took part in their sponsored activities with pride. Thank you to all those who have already sponsored their children and donated to this charity. If you are yet to do so, there is still time. The link to donate is: Fund Raising | The Hayes Primary School. So far we have raised a whopping £955 – the child in each class who has raised the most money will receive a prize which will be announced in our virtual achievement assembly. Deadline to donate by: Monday 22nd March. Many thanks.
The children are settling back into school really well, we are so proud of how quickly they are getting back into their normal routines. We know that there are some parents who have been worried about whether or not their child/ren may have fallen behind and we wanted to reassure you that we have an extensive catch up programme in place to help recover missed learning where necessary. We have welcomed a new member of staff, a qualified teacher called Miss Hamid, who will be working across the school providing catch up lessons. Additionally, each member of the senior leadership will be teaching groups of children over the course of the week alongside other members of staff. In class, teachers are differentiating the learning to ensure it is accessible to all and are also frequently providing opportunities to revise key skills. Our wonderful team of support staff are also running a number of interventions during the course of the school day. We have every confidence that we will be able to close gaps and help the children catch up in their learning, should they need to, over time.
We would like to share some happy news with you. Miss Booth will be getting married on the first of April and therefore, upon her return to work in the summer term she will be known as Mrs Sutherland. We are delighted for Miss Booth and wish her and her husband to be, the most wonderful day.
We would also like to say a huge well done to the children in Safari class who had their first ever swimming lesson last week. The children were so sensible and listened brilliantly to Miss Browne. We know that Rainforest class will be just as amazing next week when it is their turn to swim. Next week, children in the odd number classes will have their swimming lessons.
Thank you to those parents who continue to adhere strictly to our COVID risk assessment by wearing face coverings, using our one-way system and ensuring that you avoid gathering in groups at the beginning and end of the school day. Whilst we are delighted to be back in school, we must remember that the virus has not gone away. We are doing everything in our power to keep our entire school community safe from harm and to avoid any future bubble closures and we thank you for your support in this endeavour.
Please may we remind you that we are still required to run track and trace services over the Easter break and if your child becomes unwell and receives a positive test result, you must notify the school by emailing head@hayesprimary.croydon.sch.uk as this has implications for others who may need to isolate. Thank you.
The children will break up from school for the Easter break on Wednesday 31st March at NORMAL TIME and are due to return back to school on April 19th.
We thank you for your on-going support and wish you a great and safe weekend.
The Hayes Team