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Week Beginning 22nd June 2015

Firstly we would like to extend huge congratulations to Mrs Cook who has been awarded an MBE for her services to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We are immensely proud of her and how she has contributed to the ethos and reputation of The Hayes and fully agree that she deserves this recognition! Congratulations! We look forward to hearing about your trip to meet the Queen!


We are still actively recruiting for September so we will let you know class arrangements for next year as soon as we have this finalised.  Just to let you know the class groups will remain as they are, we will not be reshuffling any classes across the whole school.


Thank you to all of you who have helped support our WaterAid day by sending in cakes and water containers for the pupil pipeline.  This has been an enormous success and we managed to raise in excess of £150 for WaterAid. 


It has come to our attention today that some younger children have not been closely supervised by their parents whilst waiting for swimming lessons, and some of the behaviour that has been reported to us is unsafe.  Please be aware of this while waiting for lessons.


This Saturday 20th  June please don’t forget our bag packing event at Tesco, Purley.


Week Beginning 22nd June 2015


This week it is National Sports Week.  As part of this on Monday 22nd June there will be GOALS performances for all pupils by an outside theatre group.  We are not asking for a donation for this event.  At 4pm some of our boys in Key Stage 2 will be representing our school at the borough wide Athletics competition. 


On Tuesday 23rd June one of our Governors Rev. Chris Thomson is visiting classes at The Hayes.  It is also a mufti day today.  The children can come to school in their own clothes in return for bringing in bags for the school fair filled with goodies such as stationery, sweets etc.  Please avoid chocolate as this tends to melt!  We would ask that these bags are decorated with ribbons, stickers etc. to make them more attractive. 

At 4pm our Girls’ representatives are taking part in Croydon Athletics.


On Wednesday 24th June our Year 4 children will be performing in their Soundstart concert at 9.30am-10.00am.  Also on Wednesday 24th June we welcome the parents of Safari class to our whole school assembly at 2.30pm, as Mrs Duckett’s class will be leading with their first class assembly.


After school today we wish all of our children who are taking part in the Athletics finals the very best of luck. 


On Thursday 25th it is our school open afternoon, from 2-3pm. Please do try to come in and look at your children’s learning. They are always keen to share with you and show you what they have achieved. May we politely request that you do not bring buggies or younger siblings to this event as fitting 30 children and 30 parents into our classrooms is a challenge in itself!


On Friday 26th June our Year 3 & 4 boys and girls football team are playing a 6 a side tournament against some other schools in the borough. We wish them the best of luck. 


This week sees the preparation for the Summer Fair and the PTA have asked if children could bring in specific donations each day.  Please see below for the items required for each day and help in whichever way you feel you can.


Tues 23rd                   Bags (provided) filled with sweets

Weds 24th          Biscuits/chocolates

Thurs 25th         Bottles (wine, spirits etc.)

Fri 26th               Toys, Books, Games & Plants



Our School Summer Fair is on Saturday 27th June between 12.00pm and 3.00pm.  We do hope that you are able to join us and thank you in anticipation to all those hardworking members of the PTA and staff who will be helping at this event. We are still looking for more helpers. If you are able to spare some time to support this event, please do let Mrs Doble or one of her team know.
