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Week beginning 21st November 2022

Week Beginning 21st November 2022
The Hayes Primary School, has been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark
(PSQM), demonstrating our commitment to excellence in science teaching and learning. Professor Jane Turner, PSQM National Director said: “There was never a more important time for primary children to have a high-quality science education. The coronavirus pandemic and climate change crisis have made everyone aware of the importance of science in our world. Primary schools have an important role to ensure that children understand how science works and keeps us and our planet healthy and safe. Schools that have achieved a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science teaching and learning. The profile and quality of science in each awarded school is very high. Children are engaging with great science both in and outside the classroom, developing positive attitudes towards science as well as secure scientific understanding and skills. Science subject leaders, their colleagues, head teachers, children, parents and governors should be very proud.”
We are very proud, and a huge thank you to Mrs Piamya, our Science Lead who has led with passion in this area and worked tirelessly to achieve this award and make science fab at The Hayes. Well done!

A massive well done to Class 11, who on Wednesday, performed an amazing assembly based around the novel, Wonder. A bold book that was transformed with many messages, not least about the importance of kindness, tolerance, sand acceptance. Well done, Class 11 and to Miss Fidge who wrote the script and rehearsed the children – superstar!

Discovery@three: our children have had a great time this week discussing anti-bullying and creating a whole host of things using technology, for example, in Year 1, children created a poster using PicCollage and made animations.
In Year 3, pupil voice stated: Troy: we got to use our imagination when making comics, it was good to do work on anti-bullying. Tommy: using the ipads was fun to take photos and use these in our comics. Amy: I enjoyed it when they showed us our work on the big screen. It was great to see everyone’s hard work. Sienna: It was really fun, we got to work in groups to create comics! Hugo: We got to work with our friends to make comics!
Thank you to Discovery@three!

Road Safety Week: next week, we are excited to learn more about keeping safe when travelling to and from school. Next Friday, as part of the Be Safe, Be Seen initiative, our children are encouraged to wear their brightest colours to school, making sure they can be seen when travelling during the darker evenings, will help to keep our children safe so…the brighter the better! Mrs Draper has also said we will be doing another Brighten Your Bag competition – the JTAs (Junior Travel Ambassadors) will be introducing this on Monday. We are asking children to bring their school bag to school decorated in bright things, such as reflectors, etc. We look forward to the JTAs explaining more on Monday.
School Book Fair: will be running from Monday to Thursday after school next week. We aim for a cashless event and parents/carers will be able to pay for any purchases using a QR code on display at the Book Fair which can be scanned into a mobile. There will be a huge range of books on display for all age ranges. If you are unable to make the event after school you can still make purchases using this website:   If making a payment at home you will need to return the wish list slip with a note of your confirmation code so that we can hand out any books ordered.  You can also purchase gift vouchers up until midnight on the 23rd November and your child can use these at the event. If you are using the website to purchase books, please ensure you select our school name. Thank you.

Governors Day: on Wednesday, we will be hosting a Governors morning, where we welcome members of the Governor Body into school to see us in action and to work strategically on school improvement. We are grateful for our governors who are all volunteers who dedicate their time to provide support and challenge to our organisation. Thank you to all those who stood or voted in our recent parent governor election. We are delighted to welcome Lee Harkness onto our team.

Sport: on Thursday 24th, our school football team have an away match at Oasis Byron. Kick-off is at 3:30 and we wish them the best of luck! Be the Best You Can Be team!

Open Afternoon: on Friday, we are excited to be bringing back our open afternoons. This is an opportunity for you to join us in school and visit your child in their classrooms so they can show you their wonderful learning. Please come in via the main office from 1:45pm onwards. We politely ask that you, where possible, to avoid bringing buggies into the classrooms as we are sure you can imagine, they can become very busy with 30 children and their parents all in the same space! Please also, do not take photographs. Once your child has finished showing you their curriculum books, you are welcome to take them home.​

Photo Competition: Share Your Creativity in the Great Outdoors Photography Competition: each season we run the Great Outdoors Seasonal photography competition. The second yearly competition, taking place over Autumn is called ‘Miracles of Nature’, so get outdoors and enjoy the wonders of nature and wildlife around us!

What to do: take a photograph that celebrates autumn as you see it. Photos should feature landscape photographs of natural settings. It can be of wildlife, woodland, seascape – of anything that depicts autumn at its finest.
Equipment: the photo can be taken on an iPad, phone or camera.
Winners: there will be one winner chosen from each Key Stage: EYFS, KS1, lower KS2 and upper KS2.
Prizes: winning photos will take pride of place in our news bulletin, website and Twitter pages. There will also be a display in school which will be seen by all with photos going up in frames.
Terms and Conditions
*Photograph to be taken by a child (not adult) on either a camera, ipad or smart phone.
*One entry per child.
*Photo to have a title.
*Entrants: email to Mrs Staines: who is the administrator for this exciting, new competition.
*With entries (jpg), please state name of child and class.
*Judges: our School Council, Governors and Miss Slade.
*Closing date: Friday 2nd December, 2022.

Have a great rest of the weekend!
The Hayes Team
