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Week beginning 21st May 2018

WB 21/5/18
I hope you have all had a great warm weekend and whether you celebrated the Royal Wedding or Chelsea winning (or not), you had fun doing something! Apologies for the lateness of this, for some unknown reason, our email system has been down all day today- too much partying perhaps.

Last week saw the end to KS2 SATs week for our Year 6 cohort. They faced their many papers with resilience and a smile and we are all very proud of them. Our children were the best they could be. I thank all of the staff involved with the SATs this year – from their class teachers: Ms Spinks, Ms Harman and Ms Draper and teacher assistants to all the teachers who took time out of their before school-time or after school-time to deliver weekly boosters. As my letter to the children stated: ‘remember, the scores you achieve at the end of July will tell you something, but they will not tell you everything. There is no way to ‘test’ all of the amazing and awesome things that make you YOU’.

Safari put on their assembly about the Little Red Hen which was simply awesome – well done children who all displayed confidence in abundance! Thank you to the parents/carers that attended. Well done Safari and Safari staff!

This Week: Walk to School Week made even more poignant by some very close near misses last week while our children walked to school. One incident was caused by parents parking on the zig zags in front of our school, before school. The child tried to cross the road but due to the parked cars had to actually walk onto the road in order to see if she could cross the road, she nearly got knocked down. This would not have happened if she could have stayed safely on the pavement and looked right and left to see if there were any travelling cars.

Another incident which is not connected to zig zags, was down to a car which was travelling over 20mph and mounted the pavement where two of our children were walking. They were understandably shaken and the Police were called and took a statement.

I have since been in contact with the Community Police (as we are constantly) and it is hoped that they will be a presence regularly from now on. This will stop the speeding traffic (we are in a 20 mph zone now) and also parents parking on zig zags and across our resident’s driveways. The incident that involved the child who had to walk onto the road to cross the road was a near miss, she was lucky. This was caused by one of our parents parking in  a place which is not permitted at this time – the message is clear and simple – it is unsafe. Please stop parking on the zigzags! Please watch out for the Community Police – we look forward to them being visible within our community.

Monday 21st May: Year 5 and Year 6: road safety fun project (delivered by our JTAs: Junior Travel Ambassadors).

Tuesday 22nd May:  Year 6 to Kenley Aerodrome. No Junior Choir this week.

Wednesday 23rd May:  Class 10 assembly, 915am in the hall.

Thursday 24th May:  Year 5 trip to Shirley Park Tennis club.

Friday 25th May:  ‘Wear your happy shoes to school’ day to walk to school! 
Break up for half term – have a great break!

Message from the office:
*Why not boost your children’s swimming with a lesson after school before the summer holidays? Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays available, contact Miss De Cruz via the school office to discuss timings. 6 weeks = £45.  7 weeks £52.50. Contact the school office.
*Year 1 Hearing Test forms to be returned. The test cannot be conducted without the completed consent form.
*S6 & GDPR forms to be returned no later than Friday 25th May.
*No class swimming on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. This is due to Ms De Cruz’s wedding. We wish her and her husband-to-be a fantastic and exciting wedding and future life together.  
*No choir on Tuesday 22nd and 5th June. Choir will return on 12th June.
*Invoices for Wraparound Care will be issued week commencing 21st May. Please pay these in a timely manner.
*Year 5- if you have not yet paid for/consented for your child to go to Shirley Park Tennis Club trip, please do so online.

Have a great week!

The Hayes Team

