Well done to our Year 6 children who have had a challenging week taking their KS2 SATs. They have all worked incredibly hard and have certainly earned a restful weekend break! Our Year 2 children are also working really hard as they continue to complete their KS1 SATs. These will be completed by Friday next week and we are extremely proud of them too.
In our last week before the half term break, here is what’s coming up:
*On Monday, parents of children in Years 5 and on Tuesday parents of children in Year 6 are invited in to preview the Sex and Relationship Education DVD that we will shortly be showing your children. This is not essential for you to attend this meeting although some parents welcome the opportunity to do this to prepare them for any follow up questions they may receive as a result. This will take place in the Y5/Y6 classrooms.
*Good luck to our boys Kwik cricket team who are competing in a tournament on Tuesday afternoon. We wish them the best of luck!
*On Wednesday, the children in Rainforest are leading their class assembly to parents. If your child is in this class, please join us in the hall for a 9:15 start. We look forward to seeing you there. We are sure they will wow their audience in their first ever class assembly.
*Just a reminder that on Thursday, our school is closed due to the fact we are being used as a polling station for the European Parliamentary Elections. As this involves allowing members of the public into our school unsupervised we have no option but to close to ensure the children are appropriately safeguarded. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.
*On Friday, we break up for the half term break at normal time. We wish you all a restful week off and look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday 3rd of June, when our Year 6 children head off on their residential journey to The Isle of Wight.
The PTA’s Fathers’ Day gift room will be running once more with thanks to our PTA for organising this event. Tickets will be available for purchase as of Monday morning from the PTA website. This will enable children to visit the breakfast club room at some point between the 11th and 14th June to choose a present and wrap it up to surprise their fathers with on Father’s Day. We shall also be holding a Father’s Day breakfast on Monday 17th June so please pop this date in your diaries. Due to the restrictions on space in the hall, we can only accommodate one adult per child, thank you for your understanding.
Please find attached information about a forthcoming ‘bike swap’ that may be of interest to some parents. If you have old bikes that you wish to sell or you need to upgrade to the next size for your child this could be useful for you.
Finally, we are delighted to tell you that we are taking part in Living Streets ‘Walk to School Week’ from 20th – 24th May 2019. This year, to celebrate ‘Living Streets’ 90th anniversary, the challenge will get to the heart of walking and how it can benefit the whole community as well as improve individual wellbeing. The theme will take pupils on a special walking journey re-tracing the steps of the charities greatest achievements over the course of the last 90 years. We handed out the challenge packs on Friday 17th May. Even if you are unable to walk all of the way to school, we are encouraging everyone to park 5-10 minutes away from the school so that they can walk the remainder of their journey. Also on Friday 24th May we are having a ‘happy shoes’ day where the children can wear the shoes that make them happy, to school. We would love for you all to get involved. For more information on Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking visit www.livingstreets.org.uk
We hope you all had a great weekend.