Week Beginning 20th January 2020
Week Beginning 20th January 2019
We are in the process of considering purchasing a school minibus to transport our children to and from school visits including sporting events, music rehearsals and trips. We are seeking the views of parents and carers and would appreciate it if you could give two minutes of your time to respond to this very short (3 questions only) opinion poll. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/YGLJ2FS
Coming up next week…
On Monday morning we are hosting the Year 6 coffee morning and Tuesday will be the Year 5 coffee morning. Both events will take place in the hall at 9:00. Please do come along and find out more about what your child will be learning at school this term.
On Thursday, the Hayes Netball team have an away match against Margaret Roper and we wish them all the best of luck.
Please note that a new version of the important dates document has been sent to parents today with some slight amendments. Please make note of the changes in your diary. Thank you.
Please can we remind parents to ensure that their children are wearing the correct school uniform each day. If you are unsure of the requirements, these can be found on the school website. This includes not wearing nail varnish. Additionally, we have had some cases of head lice in school. Please check your children carefully and ensure that long hair (boys and girls) is tied up to prevent this spreading further.
Please may we remind parents who have not yet made swimming donations to consider doing so. There are significant costs to running a school pool which we are not able to cover without parent contributions. We thank you for your support with this and thank those of you who have made your donation already.
Have a lovely weekend.