Week Beginning 20th January 2014
Week Beginning 20th January 2014…
On Monday this week Year 4 will be treated to a fun packed day from the Rock man. At 2:30 The Parents Association will be holding their AGM please feel free to come along to this meeting and find out more about the work of this fantastic group of people. It will be held in the ICT/Music Room.
On Tuesday morning there will be a taster session for children in Years 2 and 3 for a new early morning fit club which will be starting at school on Thursday 30th. A small group of children will participate in a taster session whilst the other children observe to see if they are interested in taking part. They will bring home a letter with further information about this club. Please sign and return the consent slip if you wish for them to be considered for a space in this club. It is only open to Years 2 and 3 at this moment in time.
In the afternoon, children in Safari Class will be holding a Grandparents’ Tea Party from 2-3 in the school hall and on Wednesday afternoon Rainforest class will be holding a tea party for their Grandparents in the ICT suite and music room. We look forward to welcoming all the Grandparents to school.
There will be a rehearsal in the school hall for the children taking part in the Junior CSMA festival on Wednesday afternoon. We have only received 11 reply slips for this event and we have 25 spaces. If your child is in Year 5 and wishes to participate in this fun event, please do send the reply slip to school as soon as possible. We will confirm whether or not your child has been given a place before this rehearsal.
On Thursday Year 2 children will be taking part in a Great Fire of London workshop delivered by the Freshwater Theatre Company. In the past the children have really enjoyed this event and it has proven to be very exciting!
On Friday morning, the Infant children taking part in the CSMA festival will have a rehearsal in the school hall along with children from other Croydon Schools.
Please may we remind all parents and carers that we are here to discuss any worries or concerns that you may have. Please make an appointment at the school office if you wish to see your child’s teacher.