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Welcome to The Hayes Primary School

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Week Beginning 1st June

Just a reminder that the school is closed tomorrow, Friday 22nd May, as it is an INSET day for staff training.  Therefore we will look forward to seeing all children and their families back at school again after the Summer half term on Monday 1st June.  We do hope that everyone has a wonderful half term break. 


We are sadly saying goodbye to Miss Heath who has been working in Safari and Rainforest for two days every week.  We thank her for all of her hard work and wish her the best of luck.


We are delighted to welcome back Mrs Evison following her maternity leave who will be working in our Reception department for the rest of this term.


We would like to extend our congratulations to one of our Year 6 pupils, Omari Giraud-Hutchinson who has been offered a contract with Arsenal Football Club for next season.  This is a remarkable achievement as it followed an extensive trial period and games programme and we are very proud of him. 


Please find attached your weekly bulletin for the first week back after half term….


Week Beginning 1st June


Welcome back to school, I can’t believe this is our last half term of the school year!


We wish all of our Year 6 children all the best as they head off to the Isle of Wight this week on their residential school visit.  We do hope that the weather remains dry and warm and that they all have a fabulous week.  Thank you to Mrs Bolton, Miss Cumming, Mrs Flynn, Mrs Larkham, Mrs Lee, Mrs Mc Donald, Mr Raffield and Mrs Watson for accompanying them.


On Thursday 4th June our Year 2 children are going on a school visit to Drusilla’s.   Please may we remind you that if your child is attending this trip they need to be in school promptly at 8.15am on that morning, so that they are able to get the coach on time as it is leaving earlier than usual.  The children will need a waterproof coat and a packed lunch in a small rucksack/ bag that they can carry themselves.  Don’t forget to apply sun lotion for your child before they leave if it is hot weather.


On Friday 5th June Class 6 will be leading our whole school assembly.  If you have a child in Miss Ward’s class please do join us for this event in the school hall at 10.15am.


On Friday afternoon some of our children are attending a design and technology workshop at Trinity School.


Just a reminder, that our PTA Summer Ball takes place on Saturday 6th June.
