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Week beginning 19th September 2022

Week beginning 19th September 2022
Teacher Assistants’ Day:
today is a day for our Teaching Assistants. Classroom support staff deserve to be celebrated, so today we showed our appreciation for our TAs in assembly with a certificate and cupcakes! #NationalTADay. National Teaching Assistants’ Day is an awareness day to celebrate our own TAs, our TAs go the extra mile, no matter how hard things get, and they put pupils first. The Hayes TAs – you are fab, thank you for all you do!

Bank holiday, Monday 19th September: as you know, Monday is a Bank holiday for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral. Therefore, school will be closed. If your child is struggling to come to terms with this or experience any other form of grief, please reach out to us so we can offer support.

Message from the office: please remember water bottles, it is important to keep hydrated and children are forgetting theirs. Additionally, please contact the office in emergencies only for change of pick-ups. All other pre-arranged pick-ups can be sent on a note to the class teacher on the day. Finally, please remember to label all clothing and lunchboxes. This week we have been inundated with piles of lost property that have had no names. A table will be out by the reception classrooms (under the shelter), every Friday. Many thanks!

Parking: we have had a number of emails from parents about parking in Cedar Walks exit. This week, a silver BMW parked and blocked the exit, making a neighbour to have to drive on the wrong side of the road to get passed. Please remember, that parking this way is dangerous and can result in a serious accident. This time, the neighbour did not call the Police to give the registration number. Next time, they will do.

Music Lessons: this week, our new violin teacher came to visit KS2’s singing assembly to demonstrate the violin which is available to learn for children in Year 2-Year 6. We also have the clarinet, flute, trumpet, drum kit, trombone and piano if you would like your child to take part in lessons. All lessons can be booked and paid for via the Croydon Music Association website. Please click here.

Christmas Performances: as you know from our Important Dates, our Reception Nativity is on the 7th December and the Year 6 musical (with the KS2 choir), is on 14th December. Year 2 will do a musical in the summer term, date to be announced. This will continue year on year, where year groups will perform a musical or performance at the end of each Key Stage (EYFS, Year 2 and Year 6). Christmas is a busy and exciting time of the year, with the hall being used for PE, rehearsals, school and PTA events, etc. Timetabling this is difficult which is why we have decided for Year 2 to perform in the summer (to be announced) and to revert back to end of Key Stage performances. We also look forward to class assemblies in the hall (all invited) which will start soon and throughout the year – dates to come.  

Recruitment: please click here to see further information on teaching and support staff vacancies at our lovely school. Please feel free to share this link with anyone you know with suitable experience and qualifications. Thank you.

Jeans for Genes Day: is on Friday 23rd September, for a £1 donation your child can come to school wearing jeans (everything else needs to be normal school uniform). The event is to raise money to make a difference for children affected by genetic conditions. If your child’s class has PE, they can still wear their jeans. The children will have a special assembly on Friday to learn more about this.

‘What are we learning?’ on Friday, we start our ‘What are we learning?’ meetings. Year 1 teachers will be meeting parents in the hall, to start at 9.15am.

Whats App: reception parents have externally organised a class group with the aim to liaise with each other. A reminder to all, that this is not organised by the school. However, if any reception parents would like to be part of this group and are not currently involved, please see your child’s class teacher who will pass on your details to the organisers.

Black History Month: if there are any parents or family members who would like to come into school to share in an aspect of their culture with the children in school, please let the office know. This might be telling traditional tales, cooking, dance, etc. We would love to hear from you!
