Week beginning 19th February 2018
WB 19.2.18
Building on from the success of our BRECK workshops last week, we had Internet Safety Day on Tuesday. The children took part in a range of activities and discussions about how to stay safe whilst using the internet including appropriateness of what they should and what they should not write on various Apps or social forums. Always good to remember, once it is out there, it is there forever and the message is clear – never write something that you would not say to that person’s face. Some great discussions ensued, particularly in the upper key stages. Well done to all.
On Wednesday, Class 8 delivered their assembly to the school about the Winter Olympics. Many excellent messages given. Thank you to those of you who came. Well done children, we certainly have some aspiring actors in our midst.
Massive shout out to our girls football team: Croydon Champions! We are now the Croydon representatives in the School Games Level 3 Finals in March. Well done girls, Ms Langan and Coach Callum – proud! The girls netball team took part in the first of a 3 day tournament on Thursday- well done to all of those that took part. On Friday, the mixed football team played against Beaumont, it was a very close match and our team played with excellent spirit, determination and at times, tolerance. Well done to all – the final score was 2-1 to Beaumont.
We had an excellent Fun Day today to celebrate our good Ofsted. It was great to see our children playing games with each other and enjoying each other’s company. Perfect timing as we now sprint into the half term holidays for a much deserved rest!
Upcoming events:
*Monday 19th February -Children return to school -
*Thursday 22nd February -Class 2 Assembly (915am in the hall)
*Monday 26th February -Book Week
-Infant Choir rehearsal at St Mary’s
*Tuesday 27th February -Mixed football team quarter match
*Thursday 1st March -Class 4 Assembly (915am in the hall)
-World Book Day: Dress Up Day! J Children can dress up as a character from a traditional tale, or their favourite book character for the day.
*Friday 2nd March -CSMA Junior Choir Area rehearsal at Park Hill
*Saturday 3rd March -Cross country at Farthing Downs
*Monday 5th March -CSMA Infant Concert at Trinity School
*Monday12th March -Mother Day Breakfast: times to be confirmed
*Tuesday 13th March -Early Parents Evening
*Wednesday 14th March -Class 9 Assembly (915am in the hall)
*Thursday 15th March -Late Parents Evening
Easter Intensive Swimming Course led by Miss De Cruz
Tuesday 3rd - Thursday 5th April 2018: £22.50 for 3 half hour lessons.
9:00am: Non Swimmers; 9:30am: Beginners; 10:00am: 5m+ Swimmers; 10:30am 10m+ Swimmers
To register your interest please complete a booking form at the school office or call Miss De Cruz on 020 8660 4863.
Weekly School Swimming Lessons: a message from Miss De Cruz
As we are now at the mid-point of the year, the swimming groups 1 & 2 will swop over. Group 2 will swim first, going forwards for the remainder of the school year. Please ensure your children have their swimming kits each week, several are regularly forgetting kits and as already communicated, children who do not have their costume will not be able to swim. Many thanks.
Swimmers are not allowed to wear earrings or any jewellery for swimming for health and safety reasons. Please remove earrings on swimming days to save time and them getting lost. If you want your child to have her/his ears pierced, it is preferable that s/he waits till the beginning of the summer holidays. However, if it is urgent, then please tape up the ear with a plaster. If the plaster comes off, then your child will not be able to swim. Drowning Prevention Week is June 15-25th. From Monday 18th - Friday 22nd June, we will be swimming in our clothes, please bring in long sleeve tops and bottoms so the children can feel what it is like to be in the water with clothes on. We will remind you nearer the time.
Have a great half term and see you all on Monday 19th February.
The Hayes Team