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Week beginning 18th June 2018

WB 18.6.18
HOT NEWS: ITV London Tonight will be at The Hayes tomorrow to do a short TV report on the Daniel Spargo Mabbs Foundation and their work in primary and secondary schools. They will be videoing our Y6s during their workshop (many thanks to 100% of our Y6 parents who have agreed to this- it was a very quick run around session on Friday when we were asked!) and they will also be filming bits of the Parent Workshop at 2:10pm in the hall. This is very exciting for The Hayes but far more exciting for the DSMF – as it gets the very clear message across to 1000s of people ‘it could happen to anyone’.

Last week: a huge well done to Y1 who completed their Phonics screening last week and to those who retook in Y2. Class 5’s assembly on Wednesday was very poignant. The children sent a very powerful message to us all as Refugee Week approaches- of their contributions and creativity, their resilience is boundless. Class 5’s wish for refugees is what we all wish: ‘All we ask is that everyone has the right to live without panic and fear and the right not to have to run away from fireballs, chemical weapon explosions or to be persecuted for their beliefs’. The class singing ‘Heal the World’ on Twitter.

Congratulations to all of the children who took part in the mini marathon event on Thursday- all were amazing and worthy CUP WINNERS!! The Hayes has been marathon champs for four years in a row now- we have such talented sportsmen/women. Many thanks to Ms Langan and Mr Smith!

Monday 18th June - Healthy Schools Week
*Fathers' Day Breakfast – all dads welcome to attend with their children tomorrow:
-8.00am – Year 5 and Year 6
-8.10am – Year 4
-8.20am – Year 3
-8.30am – Year 2
-8.40am – Year 1
-8.50am – Reception

*Fiona Spargo Mabbs Drug and Alcohol- choices workshops for Y5 and Y6 will be taking place throughout the day tomorrow (Monday). Parent workshop (as advertised on Twitter, in these bulletins and the HT newsletters) will be at 2:10pm in the hall (straight after the Y5 workshop) and is on how to help your child make safe choices. Please do come to this if you can. Particularly as it will be filmed by ITV London Tonight!

There will be a collection after the workshop to help fundraise for the DSM Foundation, a charity who relies humbly on donations to ensure their very important work in schools and youth centres is able to continue. Wristbands are still available in the office for children (and adults) to purchase for £1 which will also help to fundraise for the DSM charity.

*Athletics competition at Croydon Arena- boys at 4pm – you have been informed if your child is taking part.

Tuesday 19th June
*Athletics competition at Croydon Arena- girls at 4pm, you have been informed if your child is taking part.

*Young Citizenship Award at The Conference Centre for two of our lucky children in Y6.

Wednesday 20th June
*Finals of the athletics competition at Croydon Arena at 4pm - you will be informed if your child is taking part.

*Music is Magic – Instrumental concert, 6pm in the hall. You have been informed if your child is taking part.

Thursday 21st June
*First Aid training for Y6 in the hall all day.

*Yoga for all classes.

Friday 22nd June
*School photographer to take group and class photos.
*1.30pm SEND coffee afternoon.

*Yoga for all classes.


Next Week:
Monday 25th June

*Visit from the NSPCC, parent workshop at 9am please sign up at the school office.
*Y5 parents meeting (SRE)- 4.30pm

Tuesday 26th June
*Y6 parents meeting (SRE)- 4.30pm

Thursday 28th June
*Rainforest Assembly, 9am in the hall, parents are invited to attend.
*New reception parents meeting @ 6pm

Friday 29th June
*SPORTS DAY - Juniors AM and Infants PM.

Saturday 30th June - Summer Fair - 12pm - 3pm. Please do come along!

Message from the office: just to remind you about the Sal's Shoes collection, please ensure the shoes are clean and banded together where possible. Thank you. Please label all uniform including PE and swimming kits, that way they'll have more chance of being returned to their rightful owner.

Marks & Spencer have 20% off our school uniform until 3rd July. The link is


Here's to a fantastic week.

The Hayes Team
