Week beginning 18.12.17
Week Beginning 18.12.17
We have had another magical week at The Hayes where our children have once again shone like stars.
On Monday, a full hall of children had breakfast with Santa who was joined by a snowman, Rudolph and a Minion. It was fabulously organised and the children had grins from ear to ear, not bad for so early in the morning! Thank you to the PTA for organising this and the helpers who helped on the day.
Wednesday saw our Year 6 Drama club and KS2 choir perform the Amazing Advent Calendar. The children put on a stunning performance, stand aside the West End because Y6 are going to be knocking on your door! The KS2 choir were also fantastic, you are all stars. A big thank you to all of the staff involved.
Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas dinner took place on Friday, a perfect combination. The dinner was very tasty and it was great for the class teachers, Miss Slade, Ms Saunders and our children to all eat together, singing songs and getting into good cheer. There will be photos of the above events on the website over the holidays, there are many to choose from! Additionally, the staff stayed behind on Friday night to watch a Christmas film and eat healthy food. That was also great fun!
Next week:
Monday – KS2 sing to parents on the playground from 3:05pm.
Tuesday – class parties: please ensure that the food your child brings to school does not contain any nuts. In the afternoon, EYFS and KS1 have a magician show whilst KS2 have a pantomime in the hall. We are looking forward to this!
Wednesday –last day of term and dress up day (we are not collecting for any charities). Anything Christmassy is good for dress up half-day (Christmas costume, tinsel, hats, etc).
We finish school at 1.30pm, so after school club will not run on this day. Mrs Hunter will be on the playground from 1:30pm to say goodbye to you all. There will be some mince pies and hot chocolate to warm you up!
Sad goodbyes:
As you know, Mrs Hunter is leaving after 16 years at The Hayes. This has been a very difficult decision for her as she moves on to work in her family business and to spend time with her grandchild-to-be. Audrey has been a massive asset to our school and I know she will be truly missed by all of the staff, parents and children. We wish her all the best in her new adventure and look forward to her coming back for visits soon.
Mrs Smith our Year 3 teacher is sadly leaving to go travelling around the world early in January. She has settled in fantastically at The Hayes and we will miss her greatly. This is an exciting opportunity for Kayleigh and know she will keep Class 5 up to date with where she is in the world. We wish her good luck on her travels and will hopefully see her again on her return.
Miss Wadham is leaving after 7 year as a Teaching Assistant, she will be thoroughly missed. We thank her for all her hard work over the years, I know she is sad to be leaving but is looking forward to the challenge of a new position at a local Special School. We wish her all the best.
Finally, Mrs Doble has recently resigned from Chair of the PTA. Mrs Doble has been Chair of the PTA for seven years and in those years has worked tirelessly with the PTA team to raise over £125k for our school. We will be saying a huge ‘thank you’ to Mrs Doble early next half term, this for the sheer extent of time and passion and commitment she has given to our school, she is a star. More to follow.
Wednesday: school closes at 1:30pm and re-opens on Thursday 4th January 2018.
We wish you all a relaxing holiday a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Please stay safe.
From The Hayes Team.