Week Beginning 17th November 2014
Road safety awareness week begins next week, as always we encourage the children to stay safe by the roads at all times, but next week the children will be designing a shield to remind others of road safety, prizes will be awarded later. This week all children have all had a special assembly with Sue Martin from Croydon’s Road Safety department that helped them think about how to stay safe when crossing the roads.
Also our anti bullying week began with a visiting drama performance today, all children will take part in a variety of anti-bullying activities next week, beginning with a whole school assembly on Monday.
Week Beginning 17th November
Things to look forward to…
On Monday our Year 1 children will all take part in a Smelly workshop, with a visiting team who will work with the Year 1 teachers to use ‘smelly’ activities to engage the children and hopefully inspire wonderful poetry.
If you have not already done so today, please remember to make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher to discuss your child’s learning and progress. Parent teacher meetings will take place on Tuesday 18th (3:30-5:00) and Thursday 20th (3:30-8:00) this week. You can book appointments through our online booking system and if you have experienced any difficulties booking an appointment please do contact the school office who will happily book an appointment on your behalf.
On Wednesday 19th our Year 5 children are off to the Kent Life Museum for an Anglo Saxon day. We hope that they all have a super day.
On Thursday 20th all of our Year 3 children will have a Stone-Iron age workshop visiting them at school, in which they will spend the day finding out all about life during this period in history. We thank you immensely for your donations of £6.00 that have enabled us run this event, which we are sure will greatly enhance the children’s understanding of the past.
Also on Thursday 20th is our PTA Christmas shopping evening, held between 6.30-9.00pm. Please do pop by if you are already here for the parents evening to see if you can support the school and do a little early Christmas shopping!
This week we have given a prize to Jodie Wyatt for her design for the listening box, which is a place in school that children can put any concerns they may have or tell us about any of their ideas. Congratulations Jodie!
With your help we managed to collect 75 filled shoe boxes for the link to hope appeal. They were collected yesterday and are now in the process of being transported to help make a family/elderly person who has very little a very happy this Christmas! Your kindness and generosity is much appreciated, thank you.
Lastly thank you to Mrs Spinks who has led the school in a number of events that have marked Armistice Day. Our poppy loom band sale raised a great deal for the poppy appeal. Well done to Connie Harmer, Elspeth Buchanan, Hannah Sheppard and Eloise Adams. Our local elderly community also really enjoyed an afternoon at The Hayes being entertained by our junior choir, well done to them!
We are becoming increasingly concerned with how parents and visitors to the school are being portrayed by the way in which they park or drive outside the school. We have decided to be specific with some of the complaints and examples that we have heard about or witnessed over the last short while:
- A parent has done a 3 point turn in the front of the school, ramping the pavement where children have been walking
- A parent in a black SUV has repeatedly parked on the double yellow lines diagonally opposite the school in the mornings this week
- A parent was asked by a local resident to move their car and was spoken to extremely rudely
- We have had a request from the residents who live in the set of houses on Hayes Lane opposite the school: a section of their car park is not private but it is used by a lot of parents to turn around in, which is made a lot worse by those parents parking across their garages (which are in constant use) and on the double yellow lines on the corners of the roads.
- A visitor to the school parked across the drive of one of the houses in Hayes Lane
We would really implore parents to be considerate in how they park and behave towards our local residents as their perception of our school will largely be based on these sort of interactions. It doesn’t give the right image of The Hayes and the kind of qualities that attract parents to our school.
Thank you for your support with this.